
Rooted in Community

October 1, 2023 • Jeff Lauver • 1 Corinthians 12:3–13, Acts 2:42–47

Humble living is the key to developing deep and abiding roots in community with one another. The church is a body of believers who each have a part to play in seeing God’s Kingdom come to earth. Though everyone is unique in their gifting and calling, working with one another is how the world is transformed. Love is the glue that holds the church together, and love should motivate us to contribute sacrificially with all we have and to share God’s Love with the world around us.

More from Rooted

Rooted in Prayer and Study

September 24, 2023 • 1 Timothy 4:7–8, Philippians 4:6, Hebrews 4:12

Spiritual growth is achieved with passionate prayer and intentional study of Scripture. This is how we know and trust the heart of God. The more we spend time reading and praying, the more our lives are transformed by the power of God. The church is a place for everyone to gather and hear the life-giving truth of God’s Word—a place to unite our hearts in prayer and to allow God to move powerfully in our lives and around the world. 

Rooted in Sharing

September 10, 2023 • Jeff Lauver • John 3:16, Matthew 28:19–20, 2 Corinthians 5:20

The Good News of Jesus is not meant to be kept to ourselves. The final instruction Jesus gave His disciples was to go into the world and invite others to a saving relationship with God. This happens in our homes, neighborhoods, and around the world as we demonstrate God’s love, grace, and mercy to those who are far from Him. Sharing our faith is not an option, it is an expectation. We are ambassadors on behalf of the Kingdom of God and our message is simple—respond to God’s love and be reconciled to Him.  

Rooted in Faith

November 17, 2023 • Jeff Lauver • Colossians 2:6–7, Hebrews 10:24–25, John 15:5

Historically, God has used people who are deeply rooted in their faith to make a difference in the world. The church is a blessing to the world when it is devoted to the truth of God’s Word and dedicated to living it out. The fruit of our lives can be directly correlated to the roots of our lives. On what do we build our lives? A life built on Jesus overflows with purpose and meaning. The Bible compares this kind of connection to a vine with many branches. The vine provides the nourishment and power for the branches to produce wonderful things. The same is true with us. When we are connected to the vine (Christ), we experience the full life offered in the Gospel.