
Risen Victory

April 4, 2021 • Greg Lunsford

**It was great to worship with you all on Easter Sunday. Because of the resurrection of Jesus we are able to say the words, “He is Risen!” every day of our lives. On Sunday we talked about how the resurrection is necessary for victory.**

**During your discussions this week, answer these table talk questions:**

1. Is it hard for you to confess that you are a sinner? If yes, why? Furthermore, do you find it difficult to confess when your sins daily? Why would that be difficult?
2. How do you see the affects of sin in our city, our country, and our world?
3. Looking at the victory we have in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, how has Jesus changed your life? What hope does the resurrection bring to a fallen world?

More from The Table

Life After the Resurrection

April 11, 2021 • Greg Lunsford

**This Sunday we wrapped up our series on The Table by looking at "Life After The Resurrection." This week discuss these questions drawn from John 20:11-21:19.** 1. Which story defines where you are at in your faith currently? Are you a seeker? Do you struggle with fear? Do you wrestle with doubts? Or do you find yourself sitting in shame? 2. Looking over the scriptures, what does God’s word say about where you are at in your faith? How does the reality of the resurrection free you? 3. We see in God’s word that the resurrection changes everything. How has the resurrection changed you and your story? Share around your tables the victory that Christ’s resurrection has brought in your life.

From the Table to the Cross

April 2, 2021 • Greg Lunsford

Invitation to the Trinity

March 28, 2021 • Marcus Davis

**Each week during our series “The Table” we have been sending out Table Talk Questions to go through with your family, friends, or small group from the previous sermon. Marcus' sermon today was on John chapter 17.** 1. After reading the chapter, what does Jesus' prayer show you about the relationship between the Father and Christ, the Son? 2. What things does Christ pray for us? How can we model Christ's prayer for us in the way that we pray for others? 3. If Jesus is our mediator and goes before the Father for us, how should that shape the way we live? 4. How can we live out the unity that Jesus prays for His followers? What relationships in your life have been unified, and which ones have been divided?