
Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Since We're Together...

November 25, 2018 • Dr. Bob Laurent

In a world where it feels like battle lines are drawn sharply across the political and cultural divides in our country, our families and our communities—starting a revolution may be as simple walking across the street. We want to invite you in to sit down, kick off your shoes and join the conversation about the life-changing impact of not only loving your neighbor, but of being the kind of neighbor so desperately needed right in your own neighborhood. http://grangerchurch.com/wontyoubemyneighbor

Let's Make the Most of this Beautiful Day!

November 18, 2018 • Dr. Bob Laurent

In a world where it feels like battle lines are drawn sharply across the political and cultural divides in our country, our families and our communities—starting a revolution may be as simple walking across the street. We want to invite you in to sit down, kick off your shoes and join the conversation about the life-changing impact of not only loving your neighbor, but of being the kind of neighbor so desperately needed right in your own neighborhood. http://grangerchurch.com/wontyoubemyneighbor