
Word with Friends

Week 2

August 17, 2014

Everyone needs a little help.

That guy in the corner downing his fourth mocha latte with a red bull chaser? Yeah, he doesn’t have it all figured out. The lady in the checkout line trying to pull her orangutan two-year-old off the conveyor belt? She doesn’t either. What about you? You just hid in the bathroom to steal 10 minutes of quiet. Yep, you too.

The point is we’ve all taken a ride on the struggle bus. And we’re doing the best we can—until we learn a better way. Where do we go when we come up short against the challenges of doing life and all its expectations? In this series we’re going throw out a lifeline and figure out what it means to live an authentic life where we’re getting and giving real help where it’s needed most.

More from Help!