
God's Greatest Hits

Telling the Big Stories of God with Us

The Secret to Success

July 16, 2023 • Rev. Tom Shinkle • Jonah 3:1–5

In this week's message of "God's Greatest Hits" Rev. Tom talks about the story of Jonah. God was calling Jonah to go to the city of Nineveh, but Jonah didn't want to. However, God's plan was greater. This story reveals to us examples of faith and obedience, while also revealing the good news that God will be with you, behind you, and beside you no matter the circumstance. Is there something today that God is asking you to do that you don't want to do?

Finding the Prophets

July 9, 2023 • Rev. Tom Shinkle • Lamentations 3:17–26

As we continue with the sermon series "God's Greatest Hits," Rev. Tom digs deeper into the importance of prophets. God used prophets, like Jeremiah, to share a new message of hope with people in dark and hopeless situations. Today, God continues to speak through people as they interpret the Bible and to use them to share messages of hope and encouragement. How is God working through you today?

Through You

July 2, 2023 • Rev. Tom Shinkle • Exodus 3:1–15

In this week of "God's Greatest Hits" Rev. Tom looks at the story of Moses and the burning bush. God was calling Moses to help lead God's people into a better future. God still works this way in calling people to work for him. How is God calling you to be in ministry and action today?

God's Still Working

June 25, 2023 • Alec Amosson • Genesis 50:15–21, 2 Timothy 3:10–17

In this week of "God's Greatest Hits" we look at the story of Joseph from the Old Testament. After looking at the hills and valleys of Joseph's life, how amazing is it that he could say - "you meant it for evil, but God used it for good." What are the valleys, what are the battles, what are the bad situations in your life right now? How can you look at them and know that God is present, and that in the end, God is working it towards something good?

Faithful in the Midst of Insanity

June 18, 2023 • Rev. Tom Shinkle • Genesis 22

In this week's message from "God's Greatest Hits," Rev. Tom looks at the story of Abraham and Isaac that is found in Genesis 22. This story that looks like insanity to the outside eyes can give us insight to a true picture of faithful obedience to God. How would you respond if God tests your faithfulness? And, how would your life be different if you started living more with trust of God and less trust of yourself?

Order Out of Chaos

June 11, 2023 • Rev. Tom Shinkle • Genesis 1

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." In week 3 of "God's Greatest Hits" Rev. Tom preaches that if you can believe that basic Christian belief - you can likely believe most of the Bible. But, if you struggle with God being the creator of all things - you may struggle to believe and trust the other promises of God. In this sermon, we hear to not focus on the when or how of creation - but instead on the who (God) and the why (to give order out of chaos.)

Gift of Music

June 4, 2023 • Rev. Tom Shinkle • Psalm 96

One of God's Greatest Hits was the creation of music. God gifted certain composers with the ability to put notes, rhythms, and words together to help share a message with His people. On this second Sunday of "God's Greatest Hits" Rev. Tom and the Church House Band look at some of these special songs that have shaped our faith and what message they have for us today.

In the Navy

May 28, 2023 • Rev. Tom Shinkle • Acts 2

Happy Pentecost, church! On this day where we celebrate the birth of the church through the work of God's Holy Spirit - Rev. Tom talks about this Greatest Hit of God. God continued to be active and present (and still does today) with his people through the Spirit coming on Pentecost. How is the Holy Spirit of God moving you today, and how is our church showing this movement to the world around us?