
Redeemed for a Purpose

Redeeming Christmas

January 1, 2023 • Alec Amosson • Philippians 4:4–13, Isaiah 9:2–7

On this first day of the new year, Alec Amosson looks at the opportunity we have to set our priorities and purpose fresh this year. If we believe God has redeemed us through the work of Jesus - we should be living differently with a purpose. How would your year look different if you truly believed that and lived into that purpose?

Christmas Surprise

December 25, 2022 • Rev. Tom Shinkle • Luke 1:26–38

Have you ever been given a surprise gift for Christmas? How did that make you feel? Think of the surprise that was found in the birth of Jesus. Not what they were expecting, not in the way they were expecting - the birth of Jesus was a prophesied event, but nevertheless it was a surprise. This Christmas, how has Jesus' birth changed anything for you? How can this Christmas be different and give you hope for the new year?

Into the Light of Redemption

December 24, 2022 • Rev. Tom Shinkle • Luke 2:1–20, Luke 1:78–79, John 1:1–14

On this most special night of the year, we look at the importance of light in the Christian story. Jesus came into the world to be light in the midst of the darkness that was all around. That was true then, and it is true for us now. What darkness do you need Jesus to shine light into for you this year? And, how can you better know and live into God's love for you this season?

Redeeming the Christmas Tree

December 18, 2022 • Rev. Tom Shinkle • Galatians 3:10–14, Matthew 1:17–25

In week 4 of our advent sermon series, "Redeeming Christmas," Rev. Tom looks at the history of the Christmas tree. How does the Christmas Tree represent the different trees that you hear of in the Bible? How has God used trees to help redeem you? And, in this season, how can you help other people hear and know the story of God's redemption in their life?