
Get Off the Bench and Play

Narrow Road Rules

September 19, 2021 • Rev. Tom Shinkle • 2 Corinthians 9:6–11, Luke 6:27–38

Rev. Tom kicks off this fall sermon series, "Narrow Road Rules," by looking at one of the most important rules for the road - generosity. Generosity doesn't just apply to money and financial gifts, it is about giving any of our valuables - including our time, attention, and talents. In what way have you been giving in service to God, your church and the world? In what ways can you better give your time and talents? How can you better say, 'put me in coach, I'm ready to play?'

No Compromises

October 17, 2021 • Rev. Tom Shinkle • Matthew 9:35–38, 2 Timothy 4:1–5

In week 6 of "Narrow Road Rules," Rev. Tom talks about the importance of having integrity in your life - especially in your faith life and your witness in the world. If you believe that the church and sharing the good news of Jesus is the only hope for the world, how can you change, compromise, or edit His truth? It's time that we as Christian - not back down - but instead share the hope with integrity.

Practicing Gratitude

October 10, 2021 • Rev. Tom Shinkle • Luke 19:1–10, Colossians 2:6–12

How would life look differently if we started to give thanks for the things we have instead of lament the things we don't have? How could we as Christians change the attitude in the world by being more methodical and intentional on giving thanks to God and to the people around us? Rev. Tom Shinkle looks at these questions and more in week 5 of "Narrow Road Rules"

Road Rule: Courtesy

October 3, 2021 • Rev. Tom Shinkle • Titus 3:1–11, Matthew 7:13–23

Rev. Tom Shinkle continues looking at the characteristics and attitudes found by Jesus followers that walk along the narrow path of life. This week, what does it mean to be courteous to one another?And, what does living courteously have to do with following Jesus? Jesus reminded us that we are to produce fruit - patience, peace, love - perhaps all included in courtesy.