
All Out of Love

April 18, 2021 • Rev. Tom Shinkle

What motivates your actions and words in your daily interactions? Rev. Tom Shinkle in week 1 of Grand View's new series, "All Out of Love," examines first what causes God to do a new thing through Jesus. What caused God to give his only son to die for our freedom and new life? And then, why do you say what you say, do what you do, think what you think, and serve in the Christian Community? Pastor Tom challenges us to make sure it's "All Out of Love.


April 25, 2021 • Rev. Tom Shinkle

"If you run with the dogs you're going to get fleas." Have you heard that saying before? It points towards the importance of who you surround yourself with and what you fill your time doing. In this week of "All Out of Love," Rev. Tom Shinkle comments on our culture that seems at times to be empty, all out of love - and he challenges us to spend our time in the Christian Community so that we may be filled with love and other positive attributes, and then in turn we can go into the world and share it.