
Personal Budget Workshop

Are you feeling stressed and pressed by your financial situation?

January 13, 2024
9:00 - 11:00am

Location: Granada's Fellowship Hall No cost: bring your laptop or finance notebook. Are you feeling stressed and pressed by your financial situation? A personal budget can be the key to finding your best way to move forward in 2024. Budgeting reduces stress, conflict, and impulse buying. It also gives freedom for making decisions, preparing for growth, and becoming more generous. Jonathan Cameron is a Certified Financial Planner who will provide you with the Biblical principles for budgeting and get you started with a template for success. As a long time member and leader at Granada, Jonathan offers the educational course at no cost to you and with no strings attached. The class is open to the first 10 couples or individuals who RSVP. Start your journey to good stewardship and unlock your potential to enjoy God’s blessings and increase your generosity. Free to give: 1 Timothy 6:17-19