
Core Values - Part 2 - Mission


September 16, 2012 • Kevin Maloney

Gospel: The Gospel says that, on our own, we can't know God. He had to come to us and reveal Himself to us. We believe he did that in Jesus, and left us with a perfect, inspired Bible to teach us about who Jesus is. So when we teach, we teach from the Bible. We avoid teaching our own opinions and ideas, but rather we teach straight from the Bible so we can be confident that we're hearing from God.

Community: Life was not designed to be lived alone. As you read through the Bible, you'll find numerous "one another" commands: love one another, pray for one another, know one another, encourage one another, serve one another, etc. These things can't always happen in a meaningful way at a Sunday service. So we encourage all of our people to be connected to a grace group that meets regularly to fulfill these needs.

Mission: Someone who has been brought into relationship with Christ should never be content to keep that joy to himself. We must spread it. So as a church, we value living on mission to bring the message of Jesus to our city.

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