
Matthew 8:28-34

The Exorcist

May 19, 2024 • Kevin Maloney • Matthew 8:28–34

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1: In Matthew 8:28-34, how does this display of authority contribute to our understanding of who Jesus is and His mission on earth? 

2: The demons immediately recognize Jesus as the "Son of God" and express fear of being tormented before their time. What does this recognition and fear tell us about the spiritual realm's awareness of Jesus's authority? How should this influence our perception of spiritual warfare and our confidence in Christ's power?

3:While Christians cannot be possessed by demons, we have to remain vigilant against giving the devil a foothold in our lives. What are some subtle ways the devil can gain influence over us? How can we resist these temptations and remain steadfast in our faith?

4: Why do you think the people in the Gadarenes responded the way they did to the exorcism? What does this reaction reveal about their values and priorities? How can we apply this to our own lives when considering the costs of following Jesus?

5: How is the Lord’s Supper a reminder of where our true allegiance should lie?

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Matthew 9:9-13

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Matthew 9:1-8

May 26, 2024 • Cody Wilbanks • Matthew 9:1–8

SERMON DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. What are the common perceptions of “sin” in our culture today? 2. How would you answer someone who believed that Jesus was merely a good, moral teacher? 3. Have you ever struggled with the idea that God is willing to forgive your sin? 4. What are some ways we pursue penance rather than resting in forgiveness?