
Matthew 9:18-26

Jesus and the Humble

June 16, 2024 • Kevin Maloney

Small Group Discussion Questions:

1) How do the interactions between Jairus and the woman with the issue of blood highlight the universal need for Christ?

2) How does their approach to Jesus demonstrate the importance of humility and dependence in seeking God's intervention in our lives?

3) How does the woman’s desire to receive a secret healing reflect on our desire to have our relationship with Christ be only private?

4) Jesus refers to the woman as "daughter," emphasizing His care and compassion. How does this portrayal of Jesus as a loving father figure contrast with common perceptions of God? How does it impact your understanding of God's character?

5) What does the crowd’s laughter at Jesus’s promise tell you about the necessity of cultivating faith amidst skepticism and ridicule?

More from Matthew

Matthew 9:14-17

June 9, 2024 • Kevin Maloney

Sermon Questions for Discussion: 1.) What are the values in the rigorous “religious” life? What is the good that can come of disciplines like fasting, church attendance, bible reading, etc.? 2.) In what ways do we show that we believe that sorrow is more holy than joy?  3.) In what ways are we suspicious of joy? 4.) What mandates do people create for others in regards to the holy life? 5.) How can our rigorous “religious” life be deadly? What is the solution for that?

Matthew 9:9-13

June 2, 2024 • Kevin Maloney

Sermon Discussion Questions: 1. How can we guard against falling into the trap of spiritual pride and instead cultivate a posture of humility in our own lives? 2. How can we practically follow Jesus into the places of brokenness and need in our society, bringing the message of hope and redemption? 3. Which group of people in this passage do you identify with the most: the disciples, the sinners, or the Pharisees? 4. What attitudes and behaviors make you say so? 5. What adjustments can you make in light of that assessment? 6. How can we cultivate an attitude of mercy and compassion towards those who are still outsiders to the Christian community?

Matthew 9:1-8

May 26, 2024 • Cody Wilbanks • Matthew 9:1–8

SERMON DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1. What are the common perceptions of “sin” in our culture today? 2. How would you answer someone who believed that Jesus was merely a good, moral teacher? 3. Have you ever struggled with the idea that God is willing to forgive your sin? 4. What are some ways we pursue penance rather than resting in forgiveness?