
Matthew 7:15-23

False Fruit

April 7, 2024 • Kevin Maloney

Sermon Discussion Questions:

1: What does it mean to live as a true Christian counter-culture, according to the sermon? How do you see this concept reflected in your own life or in the broader Christian community?

2: The sermon highlights the importance of listening to the right voices along our Christian journey. How do you discern who the right teachers and guides are in your life? What criteria do you use to evaluate their influence?

3: What are some potential dangers of seeking guidance solely from human teachers rather than relying on personal study of the Bible and guidance from the Holy Spirit, as discussed in the sermon?

4:m How can we recognize false prophets or misleading guidance in our lives, according to the criteria outlined in Matthew 7:15-20? Have you ever encountered situations where you had to discern between genuine and false teaching?

5: The sermon emphasizes the importance of looking at the fruit in the lives of those who influence us. How can we practically apply this principle in evaluating the guidance we receive from others?

6: Discuss the balance between respecting and learning from human teachers and ultimately relying on Jesus as the ultimate guide. How can we ensure that our reliance on human guidance does not overshadow our dependence on Christ?

7: Share your thoughts on the statement, "Good leaders lead you to admire Jesus more, not them." How can leaders and mentors effectively point others to Christ rather than drawing attention to themselves?

8: Reflect on the role of humility in seeking guidance and learning from others. How does acknowledging our own limitations and need for grace impact the way we approach teaching and guidance within the Christian community?

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