
Unwrapping the Names of Jesus

An Advent Series

Christmas Eve Service

December 24, 2023 • Shane Sullivan, James Davis, Jordan Harris • Psalm 32:11, John 3:16–17, Matthew 5:14–16, Luke 2:14

Emmanuel - God With Us

December 24, 2023 • Neil Montgomery • Matthew 1:18–23, Galatians 4:3–9, Luke 12:13–21, 2 Corinthians 4:16–18, James 5:7–11

The Light of the World

December 17, 2023 • Neil Montgomery • Acts 4:12, Isaiah 9:2, John 1:4, John 8:12–30

The Good Shepherd

December 10, 2023 • Bill Brown • John 1:1–3, Psalm 23:1–4, Matthew 9:35–36, Ezekiel 34

Picture a shepherd in your mind. If you’re like most 21st-century Westerners, you most likely have a picture of Jesus in a white robe and blue sash with a glowing complexion and flowing locks of hair carrying a sheep on His shoulders. This is far from the reality of shepherding in Jesus’ day. Imagine living among sheep day in and out. Sleeping on the dusty ground at night. Never showering. Chasing after wandering sheep. Being a shepherd was one of the lowest jobs in the ancient world. It was smelly. It was tiring, and there wasn’t a lot of socialization involved. Being a shepherd was hard work because you had to care for your flock of animals, know their individual needs, and lead them to places of pasture, every day. Being a good shepherd was difficult and dangerous work.   The Bible calls Jesus the "Good Shepherd." Join us as we "unwrap" the gift of Jesus, as our Good Shepherd and discover what that means for us today.

Unwrapping the Names of Jesus-Intro

December 3, 2023 • Neil Montgomery • Isaiah 9:6

Did you know that there are close to 200 "names" for Jesus in the bible? Every one of them is packed with meaning. At Christmastime we often hear the name, "Emmanuel" which means "God with us." How great to know that Jesus is God's Presence right here on earth--WITH US. During Christmas at GracePoint we're going to take a look at a few of those names and celebrate all that God has "given" to us as a result of his unfathomable love FOR us.