

March 17, 2024 • Neil Montgomery • Luke 11:33–42

We've been told in our culture that, "MORE MONEY MEANS MORE HAPPINESS!" Most of us are waking up to the reality that we were fed a lie. But there is great news. Jesus gives us a vision of where true, rich and deep happiness comes from.

One of the things that Jesus is famous for is turning our vision of the “good life” on its head. He said things like, "The last will be first and the first will be last. Those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted. If you do not forgive others their sins, your heavenly father will not forgive your sins."

But nowhere is this upside down reality of the “good life” more self-evident than in Jesus’s teaching about MONEY.

Come join us as we explore how the practice of Generosity is a game-changer when it comes to our impact and contentment in life.


March 24, 2024 • Bill Brown • John 13:34–35, Philippians 2:2–4, Luke 6:35–36

Being part of a community is a basic human need. Unfortunately, most people do not belong to a positive community. Even Christians who attend church regularly most often do not feel as though they are part of a close-knit community. They are missing the most valuable spiritual resource God provides for us. God intended for us to join our hearts to love one another and serve those who need the love of Jesus Christ in their lives. Once we find the beautiful acceptance and encouragement of a Christ-centered community, we can never return, and we create a community that is welcome to all who are seeking our Lord and a place where they are loved unconditionally.


March 10, 2024 • Bill Brown • 1 Peter 3:15, Acts 1:8, Colossians 4:3–6

What does it mean to be a witness? The definition says, "An individual who, being present, personally sees or perceives a thing; a person who gives evidence." But what does it mean to be a witness for Jesus? How do we do it, what does it look like and where should we do it? We'll explore these questions and more as we look at the Practice of Witness!


March 3, 2024 • Neil Montgomery • Luke 5:15–16

In an increasingly distracted and noisy world, we need solitude more than ever. The practice of solitude mimics Jesus’ rhythm of retreat and return. Retreat from people and distractions to be with God, in order to return to community in love and service. I have no doubt that most of us crave a little time in the quiet places. Come join us Sunday as we continue exploring the Practices of Jesus.