
Hosea Part 1

April 28, 2024 • Neil Montgomery • Hosea 1:2–11, Hosea 2:1–7, Hosea 2:14–17, Hosea 3:1–4, Hosea 1:1

God is truly an amazing God who loves us even when we live in ways that should merit Him turn away from us. But God is merciful. He is gracious. And He is patient. His hope is that we all would turn to Him.

Peter talked about this in his message to the Church in 2 Peter 3:9. From Genesis to Revelation God’s message (really an invitation) is to “come and follow me.” When we walk away from Him the Bible urges us to return.

That essentially is the message of the Minor Prophets and God uses incredible ways to get that message across. God told Isaiah to walk around naked for three years. He has Ezekiel lie on his side for 390 days…all to create a living illustration of His love for His creation. If that doesn’t peek your curiosity about our new series, I’m not sure what will.

God has Hosea do something that seems strange and even tragic…but the purpose is to show the reader the lengths God will go to in order to redeem His people.

Obadiah Part 1

June 23, 2024 • Neil Montgomery • Genesis 25:19–34, Genesis 27:39–41, Numbers 20:14–21, James 4:6, Obadiah

We dive in to Obadiah. Although it's the shortest book in the Old Testament, it is packed with truth that is relevant for today.

Famous Amos or Amos Moses

June 16, 2024 • Gary Hensley • 1 Corinthians 10:1–13, Amos 5, Amos 3, 1 Thessalonians 5:16–23

Just think --- We can be instrumental in rescuing the perishing in our families and communities. Hopefully you are not one that is saying we’re doing all right and we got this. What feeling do you have? Everything feel ok to you in our country and communities? We don’t live by feelings, but God does give us intuitiveness and insight from His Word. We do have a big problem in our country and it is called sin. There is no political or economical solution for the Spiritual problem we have. People in the Americanized church are being tricked by the father of lies, and leaders that have become complacent and turning away from the Truth. As we continue to dive into the book of Amos, may we do as he said, "Seek God and live!"

Not So Famos Amos

June 9, 2024 • Neil Montgomery • Amos 1:1–13, Amos 2:1–8

When you pray, what do you say to God? It's a fair question. How we answer reveals much about where we are with God. If I'm honest with myself, most of my prayers are about me...for me...for God to help me...bless me...and take care of those who are not like me. Before you decide to fire this pastor, know that I battle right alongside you. The late French Bishop, Francois Fenelon declared that our greatest battle is our "addiction to self."  We are hard-wired for self preservation.   Some of you have heard me jest about my two values in life: If you're going to be wrong, be wrong with authority Why take responsibility when you can blame somebody else? What I have said as humor has sadly become the values for so many of us. So when life throws us a curve...as it inevitably does, so few of us are prepared to navigate the adversity. We want God to swoop in and take care of all that is causing us grief. When God doesn't seem to do that, at least in our way and in our timing, we tend to get a bit grumpy at best, or at worst we reject God all together.  Well, there's great news--the Bible helps us in the midst of this.