
9 8 19 Sermon

Today's Praying

September 8, 2019 • Pastor Jim Devney

Pastor Jim is sharing a great message called, “Today’s Praying” Please share it. Many of you that watch our services and join in our Worship do not have a church home because there are no Grace churches in your area. We invite you to become a part of our fellowship. If you are interested in joining us, please email sglover@gpindy.net . We will get you information on how you can be a part of Gracepoint Church. Even if you’re not, please email us and let us know where you are watching from. Pastor Jim would love to hear from you. You may also watch us on our Facebook page, www.facebook.com/gpindychurch , Youtube at our channel, Gracepoint Church New Whiteland or just go to www.gpindy.net. On the Welcome page, select “On Demand”. Please help us financially, to offset our Web costs, by clicking the “Give Online” button. God bless you. Please download and share this message