
Opposition Grows (11AM)

March 13, 2022 • Curt McFarland • Luke 6:1–11

There is a familiar cycle when it comes to politicians, entertainers, sports heroes. When they first arrive on scene, and if they perform reasonably, admiration grows. With success, and the roar of the crowd, that admiration reaches a crescendo most of us never experience. Your hometown throws you a parade. It seems you can do no wrong.

But the day comes, it always comes, when you hit a slump, you drop the ball, you vote your conscience, the box office dips, and the sharks begin to circle. It's usually a few at first. They craft careful questions with hidden agendas. You may be able to hold off the sharks with another great game, a clever political move, a once in a lifetime role, but you simply can't keep that up for ever. Sooner than you want the illusion is shattered, your limitations revealed. Eventually it's not just a few, but a herd of sharks converge (actually it's a "shiver" of sharks), and the biting begins. Wise is the performer or politician that knows this. Foolish is the one who dreams of endless adulation.

Jesus knew, from the beginning, the fickleness of crowds, flattery, and applause. His miraculous encounters, His piercing teaching, brought early adoration but also growing opposition. Behind sweet sounding words a row or two of sharp teeth. The pastors and best church people were the most ravenous. Jesus knew that. He did not deviate from His divine path. He did not hold back even though He knew those who hated Him wore His jersey and sung His public praise. We would do well to trust the dependable and endless love of God rather than the momentary and conditional love of others.