
Even The Stones

Luke 19:28-40

April 5, 2020 • Bill Williamson • Luke 19:28–40

This Sunday is Palm Sunday. Normally we would gather in the Sanctuary, watch as boys and girls run down the aisle waving palm branches, shouting “Hosanna!”, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” Well, we may not be able to join together physically this Sunday, but we will be united by the Holy Spirit as we shout our praises and rejoice in what the Lord is doing, for He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.

Don’t let what is going on the world keep you silent. Lift your eyes, lift your hearts, lift your voices and join the festal procession to the throne of God and celebrate the One who was, and is and is to come. But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation say continually, “Great is the Lord!” (Psalm 40.16)

Then, as we enter into Holy Week, join Pastor Bill on a livestream prayer gathering on Wednesday, April 8 at noon by Zoom. Go to zoom meeting ID h
796 483 345 ( https://zoom.us/j/796483345 )

And, for Maundy Thursday, we will join together once again online, remembering Jesus’ final night on earth, celebrating Communion together. So, get some bread and some juice, or whatever is available, and join us online at 7pm - so we can "gather together" even though we may be apart.

May God bless you and your family at this time,
Pastor Bill

A Time Of Opportunity

May 3, 2020 • Kathy Bricel • Romans 8:28, Romans 12:2

Life happens—the good, the bad and the ugly. And in every situation there is an opportunity to see God at work. Often we’re aware of what He’s doing, but when it isn’t obvious, what do we do? Do we conform to the latest fear being broadcast on the news? Do we become discouraged or jump to conclusions? What if we paused and asked God for His perspective on our situation? What if we asked Him to help us think differently and to renew our minds? He longs for us to be transformed so we can partner with Him in bringing His kingdom, His plan, and His goodness to those around us. As God’s people—as a community of believers— we have an opportunity to instigate change. Are you in? This is Communion Sunday - please gather bread and juice before you begin the service.

Living Stones

April 26, 2020 • Bill Williamson • 1 Peter 2:4–6

As we look at I Peter 2.4-6, we will focus on the concept that you and I, as individual members of the church are "Living Stones" connected to the Cornerstone Jesus Christ. As "Living Stones", God is building us into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices. The church is a living organism, not a building made of brick and mortar. However, there is comfort when we gather together as the "Church" on Sunday mornings. During this time you may not feel very connected. You may feel alone. You may wonder how God can possibly use this time to build us into a spiritual house. Peter encourages us by reminding us that we are "living stones", not just a pile of rocks. We are not the church simply because we gather together on Sunday mornings, sitting in our preferred pew and singing our preferred songs. Yes, on Sunday mornings, we are the Church, united even in our diversity. Yet, we are still the church when we go our separate ways after the Benediction or Postlude or after our time of fellowship in the Garden Room. If you happen to be living alone, staying at home, confined to your place, you are not alone. God is with you. Others are praying for you and with you. We are united even when we are separated. We are all doing our part, what God puts on our heart, and God is the one who will do the work to build His Church, and even enlarge His Kingdom as people come to faith in Him even in turbulent times like this. If we do nothing else during this time, as living stones, let's pray for the lost to find their way home.

The New Life

April 19, 2020 • Bill Williamson • 1 Peter 1:13–16

As we continue looking at I Peter 1.13-16, there is the rather difficult challenge: BE HOLY. What does; that mean? What does that look like? It may take you by surprise. To "be holy" is simply living according to the new life that we have been given through Christ. We saw last week that we have been born again to a living hope. To be born again means that we have been given a "new life". That "new life" begins to take shape on the inside. It begins with our heart and soul It also begins with our mind. As a result, all that is being "born again" from within begins to become noticeable on the outside, in what Peter calls our "conduct", or our behavior. We are "holy" because of what the Holy Spirit is doing within us. We are not considered "holy" because of anything we "do", but because of what the Holy Spirit is "doing" on the inside. The word "sanctification" is about the process of becoming a new creation in Christ. We will never be perfect. To be holy is not about being perfect. To be holy is to recognize that God has called us out of the world, set apart, chosen, to be unique and distinct from the world, even our old nature. We have been given a new life, and we are "becoming" holy. It's an ongoing, moment by moment, transformation.