
Dark Times 11am

September 10, 2023 • Curt McFarland • Genesis 39:20—40:23

As we continue in our study of the first book of the Bible, the book of Genesis, we encounter the uncomfortable, raw, troubled lives, of God’s people. Most assumed then that being chosen by God would bring them a life of comfort, success, and uninterrupted happiness. Many believe that today. Instead (and my own personal experience confirms this) trouble, family conflict, and injustice, are always in the mix.

There is good news with the bad news. The stories in the Bible, the lives of God’s people, our lives today … declare there is something, Someone, more significant, more powerful, more dependable, with us, even in the worst of times. That Someone finds us in the darkness and bring us through to the other side.

Tomorrow, 9/11 is one of those defining dark times. He finds us there too.

Am I in the Place of God? 11am

November 26, 2023 • Dennis Whitcher • Genesis 50:15–26

Disagreements, harsh words, and even physical abuse have torn apart many families. The hurts can go beyond families. False rumors, bullying, cruel comments (behind your back and on line!). People are selfishly used, friendships broken, trust betrayed. Some of us bear scars from our past: bitterness, anger, or desire to get even somehow. How can we get past that? Is it even possible?  The story of Joseph offers hope.   https://www.bibleref.com/genesis/50/genesis-50-15.html reveals that Joseph's brothers are consumed with guilt and fear after their father's death. They worry Joseph has been waiting for Jacob to die before taking revenge. This would not be unexpected, as they cruelly sold Joseph into slavery as a teenager (https://www.bibleref.com/genesis/37/genesis-37-26.html). The brothers attempt to appease Joseph with a message, supposedly from Jacob, but he tells them not to be afraid. In one of Scripture's most pivotal remarks, Joseph explains his conviction that, though their intent was evil, God's good purposes were behind everything that had happened. Despite their bad intentions, God used their acts to save many lives. Joseph assures them he will not harm them.   Joseph is a wonderful picture of the Lord Jesus. Beloved of the Father, hated by His brethren, betrayed by those He knew and loved, only to be used of God to save His people from death and destruction before being placed in the highest position in the land, carrying out the will of the Father.   God uses all things to work together for good so that even when others intend things for evil, God will use it for good - not only for our eternal benefit, but for the benefit of others and to bring glory to His name.

Am I in the Place of God? 9am

November 26, 2023 • Dennis Whitcher • Genesis 50:15–26

Disagreements, harsh words, and even physical abuse have torn apart many families. The hurts can go beyond families. False rumors, bullying, cruel comments (behind your back and on line!). People are selfishly used, friendships broken, trust betrayed. Some of us bear scars from our past: bitterness, anger, or desire to get even somehow. How can we get past that? Is it even possible?  The story of Joseph offers hope.   https://www.bibleref.com/genesis/50/genesis-50-15.html reveals that Joseph's brothers are consumed with guilt and fear after their father's death. They worry Joseph has been waiting for Jacob to die before taking revenge. This would not be unexpected, as they cruelly sold Joseph into slavery as a teenager (https://www.bibleref.com/genesis/37/genesis-37-26.html). The brothers attempt to appease Joseph with a message, supposedly from Jacob, but he tells them not to be afraid. In one of Scripture's most pivotal remarks, Joseph explains his conviction that, though their intent was evil, God's good purposes were behind everything that had happened. Despite their bad intentions, God used their acts to save many lives. Joseph assures them he will not harm them.   Joseph is a wonderful picture of the Lord Jesus. Beloved of the Father, hated by His brethren, betrayed by those He knew and loved, only to be used of God to save His people from death and destruction before being placed in the highest position in the land, carrying out the will of the Father.   God uses all things to work together for good so that even when others intend things for evil, God will use it for good - not only for our eternal benefit, but for the benefit of others and to bring glory to His name.

Joseph Puts His Plan into Action 10am

November 19, 2023 • Curt McFarland • Genesis 47:13–31

This Sunday is our once-a-year Stewardship dedication Sunday. We are answering the question, “how can I (we) take good care of, be grateful for, all God has given me (us)?” In a real sense every Sunday is Stewardship Sunday. Each week we bring what we have, who we are, and we offer ourselves to God as a way of saying thanks. The amount we bring is not as important as the heart we bring. Our days, our future, our eternity, belong to God. Through our prayers, our songs, our presence, we declare that God is the source of every blessing, every moment, each love, each kindness, every instance of beauty and wonder that leads us to mystery and awe. Our pledge cards indicate our financial commitment to Grace of Christ. The pastors, staff, session members, volunteers, do not see your pledge card. Our financial manager is the only one who does. She summarizes the numbers and passes the total along. Using that, leaders in the church put together what they pray will be a faithful, wise, and trusting, budget for the coming year. We live by faith, trusting God. And, we use the wisdom God has given us to invest your generous giving so that the Kingdom of God grows in hearts and lives across our valley and world. In Genesis this morning we read about how Joseph trusted God, and used his God-given wisdom, to accomplish far more than he could have thought or imagined. We pray God will do that here too, through what we offer on this Stewardship Sunday, and every day!