
In Tune with the Holy Spirit 9AM

September 17, 2023 • Curt McFarland • Acts 8:26–40

As we have been doing each Fall, we take a short four-week break from our year-long study and tackle a pressing need facing the Church (here at Grace but also across the Larger American Church). In 2021 we focused on prayer (the why, how, when, and ease of prayer), Last Fall we turned our attention to the question, “Why Church?” (Why did God establish the Church? How important is church?) This Sunday, and for the three Sundays following, we will be challenged (that’s our prayer) to “Walk Across the Room.”         

I hear the response, “I walk across rooms every day … how can that take more than two minutes to talk about?” The central question throughout these weeks will be, “Are we walking across rooms intentionally, with a Holy Spirit directed, Kingdom of God purpose?” 

I have never been at ease approaching someone I don’t know, or don’t know well, and initiating a conversation about faith. I stumble. I’m afraid of messing it up, ruining rather than building a relationship.

This Walk Across the Room series has freed me from all of that. I first heard this approach years ago, from a pastor in the Midwest. I make no excuses for stealing his insights and stories. This is one the few times in my 30+ years of ministry that I’ve copied another’s ideas and talks so directly. But his approach was so simple, helpful, freeing. I hope you commit to attending all four Sundays in this series … and then let me know whether they lived up to what I’m promising.