
The Lord Leads The Way (11AM)

May 14, 2023 • Curt McFarland • Genesis 24:1–28

This morning is Mother’s Day. Our Latino friends celebrate their moms twice this month. They always celebrate moms on May 10th. Some years the 10th is the second Sunday, but most years moms get two days. Moms are “la reina de la casa” (the queen of the house).  Mother’s Day can be a difficult day for some who miss their moms, or who were abandoned by their moms, or had moms who harmed them, or who failed to mom them as God intended. That’s why we recognize all women on Mother’s Day. Every woman, with few exceptions, even if they are not our recognized “mom” deserves to be honored for how they stepped in and served us as extra moms. In my life I have been incredibly blessed by numerous “mothers.” I think of them now … and I thank God for how each cared for me, taught me, encouraged me, comforted me, loved me. We crown them today.

As we continue in our sermon series in the book of Genesis, we take a long journey. Abraham gave his trusted servant one task, a big and seemingly impossible task, “Go to my relatives and bring back a wife for my son Isaac.” But would Abe’s servant find the right woman, the right kind of woman, from the right family, with the right qualities?  And … would this woman be willing to leave everything she knew and travel with someone she did not know, to meet and marry a man she had never seen or spoken to?  Long odds … until you add God into the equation. Thank God for the women in our lives!