

Habakkuk 1:5 - 2:1

May 17, 2020 • Bill Williamson • Habakkuk 1:5—2:1

As we continue looking at Habakkuk, we will see God begin to reveal to Habakkuk what He is going to do in response to Habakkuk's prayers. As we saw last week, from verse 5, God is doing something, He is at work, even if we don't see what He is doing. And, what God is doing may not be anything we could have imagined or believed. As we continue on in verse 6, God shares more of how God is preparing to answer Habakkuk's prayers.

The answer is nowhere near what Habakkuk was thinking it would be. In fact, as he continues to wrestle with God, I can hear him saying, "Are you kidding me?" But, once again, we will see that Habakkuk resolves to keep asking, seeking and knocking, even as he waits, watches and listens.

Lost & Found

June 28, 2020 • Robin Stuber • Luke 15:8–10

This week we look at a very short “treasure” buried in the parables of the lost. Jesus is renewing the mind through a “parable.” This is a real-life example of a common practice in that day that spoke to them and still speaks to us! Jesus is so smart!!

A Certain Joy In Uncertain Times

June 21, 2020 • Bill Williamson • Habakkuk 3:17–19

Father's Day - a time of celebration for many, but also a time of sadness for some. It is meant to be a joyful day, but for many it has every other emotion except for joy. Today, as you worship, no matter what your situation is like with your dad or your child, look to the one who is your Heavenly Father. No parent on earth is perfect. No parent on earth can give us all that we need. Only God, Abba, can fully be for us and give to us what we need. He knows our pains and our joys. As we finish looking at and listening to Habakkuk, it is a time for rejoicing. Life may not always be fair. Life may not be as you had imagined. Life may not always be filled with laughter. Yet, may we choose to rejoice in God, the Lord of our Salvation.

A Revival of Mercy

June 14, 2020 • Bill Williamson • Habakkuk 3:1–16

As we continue with Habakkuk this morning, we listen in on the prayer of Habakkuk. Habakkuk knows that God's wrath is coming - the Chaldeans/Babylonians are going to invade Judah and destroy their land and take the Israelites captive. Yet, Habakkuk does not give up on the God of Redemption. Habakkuk prays for mercy in the midst of God's wrath. As God was merciful in the past, so Habakkuk asks God to merciful once again. Habakkuk recalls many ways God worked in the past - and he knows that the God of yesterday is the same today and tomorrow. As you listen to the prayer of Habakkuk, allow God to remind you of the ways He has been merciful to you and to our church. As we watch all that happening in our world, and particularly in the cities and streets of our country, ask God to be merciful once again. Ask God to bring about a Revival of Mercy in us, in our church, in our city, country and world.