
The Story. The Silence. The Savior (10AM)

January 1, 2023 • Mark Bassett • Esther 4

2022 becomes 2023. For many of us New Year’s Day is a day to reflect on the past year’s experiences, relationships, sorrows, joys, decisions, loves. It’s also a time to look forward.  We make plans, promises, pledges for the months ahead. Not all of our plans and promises go as we’d hoped. Only 36% of those who make a New Year’s resolution are still at it a month later. Even worse … only 9% of resolutionists (I made that word up) make it to the finish line.

I believe the greatest hope of the New Year is the hope for new beginnings, fresh starts, forgiveness. Christians believe God wrote that longing for new beginnings, for forgiveness, into the very fabric of our lives. His gift of love makes peace and forgiveness possible: peace with God, peace with ourselves, and peace with others. Not once a year, but every day, every hour, every minute.

This morning my dear friend Mark Bassett (pastor in Ephrata) returns. He will be leading you through the life of a Queen named Esther. Her entire family, and her nation, were scheduled to die because of a law written due to pride and hatred. She would take a risk, speak up, even though it could have cost her everything, and in so doing, trusting God, she and her nation were given a new beginning.