
9A Worship: The Heart We Bring

September 22, 2024 • Curt McFarland • Micah 6:6–8, Hebrews 4:14–16, Matthew 13:44–46

Once or twice a year Kathaleen and I make our way to Safeco Field (yes, a different name now) to watch our beloved, sometimes beleaguered, Mariners. Memories of Edgar, Ichiro, Jaime, Randy, Felix, Freddy, Dan, Jay, still grace the field. This year’s Mariners started strong, had a serious slump, but still have a shot, a distant shot, at post-season play. Through it all, ups and downs, I’ve remained a fan. My love for the Mariners is rooted in my days playing little league summer ball, and growing up near, and attending games of, the Oakland A’s (World Champs 1972-1974).

I went from playing regularly, to playing occasionally, to spectating. Now I watch from comfortable seats, eat my snacks, wander the beautiful stadium. Choo-choo!

That shift may work for baseball, but I am convinced it does not work for the worship of God. I’m tempted to drift from engaging God regularly in worship, to occasional worship, to sitting back, eating snacks, observing, critiquing, cheering when things go as I want, leaving the park early when things don’t. Worshiping God is not a hobby, a passion, a spectator event. Worship is the main occupation of our life (whether we acknowledge that or not). God save me from casual, occasional, worship. Keep me alive to You. Get me up out of my seat, ignite my heart, and … even if I don’t get on base may I get up to the plate and swing away. Skill and success are not as important as our growing desire to love and worship You