
Do You Hear What I Hear? Joy 9am

December 17, 2023 • Curt McFarland • Galatians 3:28—4:7

Our daughter is uber-pregnant. She and her husband are expecting their second, due Christmas day. For me there is always a measure of apprehension prior to the birth of a child … they are so fragile.

Two years ago, in early December, Kathaleen and I were waiting for the birth of our first grandchild. Soon after Hezekiah’s birth we arrived to celebrate, and to hold him for the first time. Any prior concerns gave way to Joy. I understand that is not always the case … but it is what we always pray for, leaning on God no matter the outcome.

On this third Sunday of Advent (the fourth in Advent is Christmas Eve) we celebrate the God given gift of “Joy”. How would you define Joy? How have you experienced Joy? Think of a moment when Joy overwhelmed you. Where were you? What was happening? 

Joy surprises us. Christmas surprises us. I believe God intends for there to be a close connection between Christmas and Joy. Joy sneaks up on us. In some sense God did too.

We would not have expected God to enter our world, and our lives, the way He did that first Christmas. God’s people were not there to welcome Him. Kings and queens, pastors and priests, were absent. A few shepherds made their way over to greet Him, but only after a startling, and miraculous, visit first from one angel, and then a host of angels. Visitors from the east arrived and brought gifts; but that was likely weeks, months, or years, after His birth.

We cannot earn Joy. We cannot plan for Joy. We cannot pay for Joy. It is a gift from God. When we experience Joy our response is often laughter, tears, or silence. Peace is Joy’s regular companion, along with awe and appreciation. This Christmas may we be surprised again by God’s arrival, and may we experience Joy.

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