
From Pit to Prison to Palace 9am

October 15, 2023 • Dennis Whitcher • Genesis 41:1–40

Joseph rose from the pit in the desert to the Pharaoh's palace not because of what he did, but because of who he knew. We all know that it’s always good to know someone in high places, right? How much higher can you get than God? Joseph trusted that God would use his circumstances for ultimate good. We see it in Joseph’s life in today's lesson and we will see that God will use him for His ultimate good in the future. Yes, Joseph thrived in his lifetime and was instrumental in reuniting his family. Yet, God’s plan for Joseph’s life wasn’t fulfilled until hundreds of years after his death. In Exodus we read that after Joseph died, the Israelites grew in number in Egypt. Moses was born and years later the 12 tribes and God’s chosen nation of Israel was established. And you can trace it all back to Jacob, his sons, the truly ultimate faithfulness of Joseph. Not a bitter and resentful Joseph. Not a revengeful and hateful Joseph, but the faithful Joseph, through both good and the bad, the successes and failures, all of the circumstances and events throughout his life.


God still uses people in incredible ways. He changes lives when we least expect it. He uses people and situations for His good. God is sovereign.  Think about where you are in your lives today. The people who have helped to mold you, and to shape you. The good and the not so good. The life changing situations you may encounter and have already experienced - God uses them all and will continue to do so if we just trust in Him. God always makes a way when there seems to be no way.