
Loving God & Loving Others

May 5, 2019 • Bill Williamson • Matthew 22:23–40

When Jesus is asked, "Which is the great commandment," there was a simple answer: "Love God and Love Others." That's it. James 2.8 says: If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing WELL. So, basically, as followers of Christ, we are to "LOVE WELL." As Grace of Christ Church, we are to LOVE WELL. If we can figure out how to Love God and Love Others, we are doing WELL. We are to love God well. We are to love our brothers and sisters in Christ well. We are to love our own self well. We are to love our "neighbors" well. We are to love our enemies well. We are to love strangers well. Do you get it? Do you see what Jesus is saying?
I know, there is so much more to being a Christ. It's not all about love. Or, is it? If we can LOVE WELL, everything else might actually fall in place. It is not always easy to LOVE WELL. It takes time, energy, sometimes finances, to LOVE WELL.
The leaders of Grace of Christ have been exploring what it means to LOVE WELL. God is revealing to us where this Body of Christ is loving well, but also places where we need to pay more attention to loving well. And, as I mentioned last week, it begins with DROPS OF GRACE. So, who is God calling you to LOVE WELL? Where is God calling you to LOVE WELL? How are you going to LOVE God Well this morning?

More from Love Well

Open Wide Your Hearts

May 26, 2019 • Bill Williamson • 2 Corinthians 6:1–13

The grace of God is a gift that keeps on giving. However, the gift cannot be given to somebody else, if we have not procured it first. In our text this morning, Paul is concerned that the Corinthians may have received “grace of God in vain”. In other words, Paul does not want the Corinthians to merely give lip service to receiving God’s gift of grace. He doesn’t want them to keep living under the burden of the Law, striving to earn God’s love. Paul also is concerned that the Corinthians may not have received the constant outpouring of God’s grace. There is no limit to the grace of God in our lives. As we rely upon the unconditional love of God, as we trust that God knows us and loves us beyond measure, the more our hearts will expand to the point that we become a vessel of God’s grace to others. Only as we receive from God’s wellspring of love, are we then able to love others well. As God’s vessels, we then become a wellspring of love for others.

Jesus Loves Well

May 12, 2019 • Bill Williamson • John 7:53—8:11

Jesus, the only one without sin, could have easily condemned others for their sin. But, time and time again, as Jesus confronts the sin in someone’s life, He begins by loving the person. In loving the person, Jesus then sets them free from sin. He loves them right where they are, but He releases them to live a life of freedom. “Go and sin no more” was a common phrase Jesus gave to those who had been slaves to sin. He is not directing them to live a sin free life, but He is instructing them to trust that He has set them free – and whoever the Son sets free is free indeed. To “go and sin no more” is not a matter of self-discipline, or a matter of the will, but a receiving of the power Jesus gives to them in their forgiveness. They can indeed “go and sin no more.” not in their own strength, but in the strength of the Holy Spirit who sets them free. Often we do not follow the model of Jesus in most situations. We begin by being critical of someone and what we determine is “sinful behavior.” We are perhaps offended by their “sin,” without taking a look at our own sinful nature. We begin from a place of judgment. We address the sin, we accuse and condemn, and we expect the person to change or stop their behavior. That kind of approach does not set the person free. Nor does it set free the one who is standing in judgment and condemning. Jesus did not come to condemn, but to save. We too, sinners in need of a Savior, are not in a place to come. When we love others well, even in their sinfulness, there is freedom, for us and them.