
The Everyday Church - Acts 2.46-47

February 14, 2021 • Curt McFarland • Acts 2:42–45

One day each year is placed on the calendar as the day of love. This morning is that day … Valentine’s Day. Valentines is actually difficult for many of us. For a variety of reasons: the loss of a loved one, the pursuit of love without return, isolation, mistreatment, expectations unfulfilled, betrayal, rejection … you can likely add a few more to this list … Valentine’s Day brings more heartache than a fluttering heart.

Thankfully today is also a celebration of God’s love. That’s not one day a year, it’s every Sunday, and every Monday thru Saturday too. We are the Gathered Church this morning, coming together to celebrate His love for us. There is no love like His love, no power like His power, no mercy like His mercy, no compassion like His compassion. His love breaks down every barrier to reach us. No matter how Valentine’s Day makes us feel, God’s love for us is unshakable and inescapable. He loves the lonely, the grieving, the broken. Together we sing about His love, we hear about, and find comfort in, His promises to us, we pray in thanksgiving and in need, we offer our friendship and support to each other whether we are in church or online. We are the Gathered Church, not for one day a year, or even one day a week … We are His, and we gather together, every hour, every day. “And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.”.