
Grace Kids

Sunday Mornings @ 9am, during the school year

June 16, 2024
9:00 - 10:15am

Stop by the Family@Grace table in the Garden Room, check in & pickup nametags. The whole family heads to the Sanctuary for 9AM worship. Kids will be dismissed to the front of the church & escorted to worship classrooms. (Parents are welcome to accompany kids). After worship, parents pickup kids in the classrooms. Cubbies - Pre K & K (Room 203, 2nd floor) K2 - Grades 1st & 2nd (Grace Kids Room 209, 2nd floor) Seekers - Grades 3rd-5th (Grace Kids Room 211, 2nd floor) Childcare for 3 months - 6 years old is open 8:30 to 12:30 (across from main office)