
Legacy Threads

June 2, 2024
12:30 - 2:00pm

A time to share memories over the last 50 years of our church - First Pres/Grace. Carolyn is working on Tent to Tower II and would love to hear from others, hear their stories, etc.... The event will start at 12:30 in the Fireside Room. There will be a light lunch served and we need a headcount so please RSVP for this event on your connect card, at the Welcome Center, or online.

Did you know that close to 200 Grace of Christ attendees have been coming to this church for over fifty years? Isn't that amazing? What a kudo that bit of information must be for our church leaders. They're certainly doing something right to hold onto so many for such a lengthy period of time.  

Armed with that bit of information, a small group of folks has been working on a second book about our church history that takes us beyond our beloved From Tent to Tower. It's been nearly fifty years since that book was completed. It's now time for an update!  

To help stir up old memories, we are going to have a very informal , light lunch after the 11:00 service on June 2nd in the Fireside Room.  It will be a time for any of you who would like to share a thought or two about a church happening from the last fifty years to a current time. If you have pictures that you would like to share, please bring them, too. You can take them home again but we would be so grateful to know what might be 'out there' that could also be included once we get nearer a time for the actual layout of the book. We are especially interested in photos of the front of the church before the addition of the Garden Room. Those have been hard to find so even if you have a partial view, we'd love to see it. Many folks still remember events held in the courtyard but photos have been difficult to locate.

There will be a sign up sheet at the Connection Center. Please let us know if you are planning to attend as it will help with the amount of food preparation. Everyone is welcome. We want to hear your stories. of 'back when'. We can't promise that they'll all be included (A pumpkin pitched from the tower in the dead of night?) but we'll do our best to capture the spirit of these moments in time. If you have additional questions, please contact Carolyn Mason at 509-452-4976 or Ericka Clark at 509-248-4970.