
Grace Stories

The Priority of Evangelism with Dr. Larry Moyer

October 5, 2022 • Charlie Bing, Larry Moyer

How important is evangelism to you? Can Christians and churches do evangelism better? This discussion with Dr. Larry Moyer, founder and CEO of Evantell, will evaluate how he thinks the ministry of evangelism is going in America and how it can be done better. With a lifetime of experience in sharing the gospel and training others to do so, Larry brings some valuable insights that will help you make evangelism a priority and help you share the gospel clearly. Today, Larry focuses his ministry on training others to do evangelism and speaking at his Wild Game Feasts where his hobby of hunting is used to reach people with the gospel. Check out his web site or contact him at http://evantell.org. The web site has two new videos on the Bad News – Good News gospel presentation, including one in Spanish: https://www.evantell.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/bad-news-_-good-news.mp4

Grace Stories - He Fled Dark Spirits and Found the True Light

September 14, 2022 • Charlie Bing, Brian Flynn

Brian's search for peace led him into the dark world of spiritism, and he used spirit guides to help others--or so he thought. This did not seem like darkness to him until he came to the Light and was confronted with the truth of the Word of God. His story will amaze you and also serve as a warning about dabbling in the demonic realm. His book about his experience, Running Against the Wind, though out of print, can still be found on http://amazon.com. Hear how God's grace has changed his life and given him peace. Let us know what you think about this podcast.

Grace Stories - Eternal Security Makes the Difference

August 17, 2022 • Charlie Bing, Joe Clemons

"Most churches don't know what they believe, or don't believe what they know," so says our Grace Stories guest. He says his discovery of eternal security made him "the Rodney Dangerfield of Christianity"--he gets no respect. To know your salvation is secure forever may thrill you, but if you are not sure, it will/should threaten you. In this episode, Joe Clemons shares how his understanding of grace and eternal security made a difference to him and the gospel he preaches. He got so excited, he wrote a short book about it and other great gospel words called What Is Eternal Salvation?: A Big Lie or a Simple Truth? To get the book, visit amazon. Have fun listening to Joe rejoicing in grace.

Grace Stories - What motivates you?

August 3, 2022 • Charlie Bing, Stephanie Hosey

In this grace story, Charlie speaks with Stephanie Hosey, who found the grace of God in Jesus Christ. She was born and raised within the Catholic church and didn't have an understanding that Christ died for her. She only understood the historical facts but didn't believe them for herself. It was through God's gentle nudging that she came to understand the power of God's grace in her life and ultimately why she was in need of a savior and what Christ had done for her.  From this new understanding her life changed from living a Christian life that was performance oriented, which is a form of bondage, into living a life by grace.

Grace Stories - From Plato, to Marx, to MLK, to Jesus

July 20, 2022 • Charlie Bing, Larry Butler

There’s no friend like an “old” friend. Charlie talks to one of his best and oldest friends, Larry Butler. You will be surprised to find how their lives intersect and now remain close. Larry’s search for truth and meaning in life took him from Plato to Marx to Martin Luther King to King Jesus.

Grace Stories - 13 Bottles of Beer Up a Water Tower

June 22, 2022 • Charlie Bing, Butch Simmons

When you hear Butch Simmons's story, you may think of a warrior. Once a troublemaker, then a karate expert and teacher, now a Christian saved by grace. You'll see that grace exudes from this retired fighter and carried him through some difficult trials in life. He could break 18 inches of concrete block with his bare hand. Now he is just as strong in the Lord.

Grace Stories - It’s All by His Grace

July 6, 2022 • Charlie Bing, Bill Boggess

When talking about grace makes you weep with joy, you know you have discovered the true grace of God. After he made his life-changing discovery, Bill Boggess spent his life telling others about his discovery of God’s grace. He has gone through some serious trials, but you can hear and share his joy. Listen to him.

Grace Stories - She Shouted into the Darkness, “Is Anybody Out There?”

June 9, 2022 • Charlie Bing, Adriana

When everyone has abandoned you and you have nowhere to turn, who will hear a question like that? God was listening when Adriana reached the end of her rope. She was alone and hopeless, but that desperate cry for help was heard. What happened next will amaze you as well as how God changed her life and filled it with peace and purpose. When you hear her Grace Story, you will weep and rejoice with her.

Grace Stories - My Dad Put a Gun to My Head

May 25, 2022 • Charlie Bing, Sukhwant Bhatia

Do you want to know what it’s like to become a Christian in a hostile culture? We take a journey with Dr. Sukhwant Bhatia that begins far away in India, then on to the United States, and back to India where he leads a Christian college and seminary and Bible translation ministry. Though his path was not easy, He found that Jesus Christ’s grace is sufficient. You will want to check out his web site at http://seekpartners.org https://seekpartners.org and watch a short video about his life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-m0qiylymi before or after you hear his Grace Story.

Grace Stories - Free Fall into Grace

May 11, 2022 • Charlie Bing, Ashlie Teely

Most would see a brilliant student and star athlete. That is why everyone would wonder about the night she took a fateful leap into the unknown. But God had a different plan for her, and His grace saved her from herself. Ashlie Teely tells about a night that redirected her life into a new joy and purpose. You will be amazed by her Grace Story.

Grace Stories - From Punk Rocker to Pastor

April 13, 2022 • Charlie Bing, Jeremy Edmondson

What changes a punk rocker into a pastor? Jeremy Edmondson's story takes us on a wild ride from a religious upbringing to rebellious teenage years, to a music career, to the tragic death of a friend, and finally, the pastorate of a vibrant and growing church. Grace made a difference in how he saw himself and his God. His story may make the same difference for you.

Grace Stories - From African Prince to Preacher

March 23, 2022 • Charlie Bing, Asare Kyei-Baffour

He was destined to be a prince of his tribe, but grace got a hold of his heart. Now he is spreading that message all over the world. Meet Asare, of the Ashanti tribe in Ghana, West Africa. His grace story will challenge and amaze you.

Grace Stories - From Cartels to Christ

February 3, 2022 • Charlie Bing, Wayne Brown

Grace Stories is a periodic podcast series where people will tell their stories about how God's love and grace changed their lives. We hope you enjoy these personal interviews and are encouraged by God's love for the lost. Make sure to share these with friends and family! This first episode focuses on the story of Wayne Brown; a teeth bustin', bull ridin', drug dealing thug who meets God's forgiveness. And how do you land a plane with no gas but full of drugs?