
A Truth and B Truth, Salvation vs. Discipleship

FGA Conference 2015

March 1, 2015

Charlie walks folks through the difference between Salvation and Discipleship. This is based on his book A Truth B Truth which makes clear distinctions between what it takes to save, and what it takes to make a disciple. One requires intense work, the other is absolutely free.

Some of the distinctions include:

Free Gift Costly
Received through faith Earned by commitment and obedience
Not by Works By works
Instant Justification Life-long sanctification
Jesus paid the price The Christian pays the price
Coming to Jesus as Savior Following Jesus as Lord
Believe the gospel Obey the commands

2022 FGA Plenary Session

October 16, 2022 • Charlie Bing, Grant Hawley, Asare Kyei-Baffour

Charlie and others had an open session at the 2022 Free Grace Alliance Conference. They opened up the floor for questions and discussed their respective ministries and engagement from around the world.

2022 FGA Workshop with Charlie

October 16, 2022 • Charlie Bing

Charlie spoke at a workshop session at the 2022 Free Grace Alliance Conference on the topic of free grace theology; why it makes a difference.

Answering Common Objections to Free Grace

March 26, 2022 • Charlie Bing

Charlie speaks at SBC church about how to answer common objections to free grace. They include: 1. Free Grace is "easy believism" 2. Free Grace rejects someone can believe in Jesus as Lord but still be saved. 3. Free Grace does not teach a person must turn from their sins (repent) to be saved. 4. Free Grace believes that evidence of good works is not required to be saved (James 2:14-26) 5. Free Grace leads to false assurance of salvation. 6. Free Grace leads to license.