
How to Heal pt.1 | Digital

Tools for Wholeness

April 24, 2022 • Campus Pastor - Tom Basson

"No one is perfect. We all experience different kinds of brokenness, some worse than others In fact, part of being human is feeling broken. Whether that brokenness comes in the form of mental health issues, relationship problems, or workplace difficulties.

But the question facing us all is - How do we get better?"

How to Heal pt.4 | Digital

May 15, 2022 • Campus Pastor - Tom Basson

How we handle the conflict between our idea of how things should be and the reality of how things are is critical to healthy development.

How to Heal pt.3 | Digital

May 8, 2022 • Jess Basson

We're really good at keeping our homes safe. Walls, electric fencing, gates, cameras. So why do we allow anyone over the property line of our hearts? Discover how boundaries can restore your ownership, control and responsibility.

How to Heal pt.2 | Digital

May 1, 2022 • Campus Pastor - Marc Poree

All of us were created with needs. One of them is relationships. No matter how effective we are at accomplishing tasks on our own, we cannot satisfy our need for relationships without inviting others into our lives. Many times, that threatens our comfort in challenging ways because it requires a willingness on our part to be vulnerable. But God calls us to this kind of connection as it is where healing begins.