
Leaping Like a Calf at The Christmas Sunrise

December 17, 2023 • Steve Marshall

God's story of the coming Sunrise of righteousness did not begin with a baby in a manger and it does not end there either. The Sun of righteousness, Jesus Christ, is not a one advent Savior. He has come with "healing in His wings." He will release you from captivity of sin bringing you joy as a "calf leaves a stall and starts leaping for joy." Yes, Jesus has brought healing now but we also look at the guaranteed complete healing that will come at His second coming, the second advent, when the final promise of no more death and no more disease will be fully realized. Let His first coming create "leaping calf like joy" knowing that He is coming again with complete healing of all creation. Jesus, the Sunrise of righteousness has indeed shone forth and will once again completely come again making all things new just as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow morning. That truth should bring calf leaping kind of joy to you this Christmas and every other day as well.