
Your Individual Calling is Always for God's Bigger Calling, to Build His Church

September 1, 2024 • Steve Marshall • Nehemiah 3

Where do you want to be used by God, at the Tower of Ovens or down at the Dung Gate? The Tower of Ovens is most likely along the baker’s street in Jerusalem (Jer. 27:21) where much baking of Israel’s delicacies took place. Or you could serve at the Dung Gate where all the city’s stinky, nasty refuse was carried out and dumped. Or maybe you would like the Fish Gate, or the Sheep Gate or the Horse Gate, all equally difficult in their own way.

When God calls you to a difficult place of ministry like the Dung Gate, remember that His purpose is never just for you to work at the Dung Gate. You are serving the Lord Christ. Is God getting glory in your difficult calling? Are you growing in endurance, character and hope?

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