
Our Unchanging God

December 31, 2023 • Kyle Mills • Nahum 1:1–8

God is “slow to anger and great in power, and the LORD will by no means clear the guilty” (Nahum 1:3). God’s anger toward the wickedness on earth literally “suffers long”. We may read a news headline from a biased news source, and get angry for a moment at the injustice in the world. But God knows far more about the situation than we do. God knows infinitely more about ALL of the evil in the world than we could ever comprehend, and yet He is “slow to anger”. But in His calculated slow-ness to anger, does evil triumph? Does Satan get the upper hand? Do the forces of darkness prevail? Do we sometimes wish that God would hurry up with His justice? “…the LORD will by no means clear the guilty.” The second half of this verse in Nahum gives us the promise of hope that is certain. God will have the last word. God will vindicate His holy name. The guilty will not get away with their wickedness. 

But what of those who turn from their evil deeds to the LORD in repentance and faith? “The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble; he knows those who take refuge in Him” (Nahum 1:7). This promise is for all those who take refuge in God. He rescues every person who trusts in Him. He is our stronghold. And He intimately knows us as a father knows his children, shielding us in the day of trouble. We have no need to fear what 2024 will bring. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble, therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way…” (Psalm 46:1-2).