
Our Story

We are Part of Something Bigger Than Ourselves

Week 1 Abraham

June 11, 2023 • Erik Miller • Genesis 12—22

Main Point: Growing faith requires trusting God when we don’t understand. Questions: What impacted you from the message this weekend? What challenged you or encouraged you? What did you learn about God’s character through the study of Abraham’s life? Read Genesis 12. What promise did God make to Abram? How old was Abram? What kind of faith would it take to do what Abram did? Why did Abram lie to Pharoah about his relationship with Sarai? What does this show us about Abram? Read Genesis 15. In this chapter, God made a covenant with Abram, and promised him a male heir. What do we read about faith in Genesis 15:6? Why is this significant? What is symbolic about the ceremony that takes place in this chapter? What does this reveal about the Covenant God makes with Abram? Read Genesis 16. Abram and Sarai grew impatient and took matters into their own hands. What happened? What were the consequences of Abram having son with Hagar? Read Genesis 18:1-15. God fulfilled his promise to Abram and sent messengers to let him know. What did the messengers say? How did Abram and Sarai respond? Read Genesis 21:1-20. What happened when Isaac is born? How were Hagar and Ishmael treated? How did God respond to their situation? Read Genesis 22:1-19. What did God command Abraham to do? Why do you think God asked Abraham to do this? Read the story carefully. How would you have felt? What level of faith would it require for Abraham to do what God called him to do? What did Abraham think God was going to do? (See Hebrews 11:17-19.) How did God respond to Abraham’s faith? How did this incident change Abraham? What is one thing you can do this week to put into practice what you learned in this message?

Week 2 Jacob

June 18, 2023 • Erik Miller • Genesis 25—32

Main Point: Through faith God gives us a new identity to live into. Questions: 1. What impacted you from the message this weekend? What challenged you or encouraged you? What did you learn about the God’s character through the study of Jacob’s life. 2. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/gen%2025.19-34. What were the circumstances surrounding Jacob and Esau’s birth? What is the significance of their names? 3. What did Jacob get his brother to do? Why was was the birthright so important? 4. Read Genesis 27. This is a tragic account of deception, favoritism, and broken relationships. What did Rebekah do to help Jacob? How did Esau react when he discovered he had lost his birthright? 5. How would you describe Jacob’s character at this point in the narrative? 6. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/gen%2029.1-30.22. Who deceived Jacob in this section of the story? Under what circumstances did Jacob marry Rachel and Leah? 7. What was the relationship like between Jacob, Rachel, and Leah? Why were children so important? How did the names Leah gave her children change as she had more children? 8. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/gen%2032.1-21. Why is Esau chasing Jacob? What is Jacob preparing to do? 9. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/gen%2032.22-32. With whom was Jacob wrestling with? What is the outcome of the struggle? How was Jacob marked by this encounter? 10. What is the significance of Jacob’s name being changed to Israel? What does Israel mean? 11. What is one thing you can do this week to put into practice what you learned in this message?

Week 3 Joseph

June 25, 2023 • Erik Miller • Genesis 50:15–21, Genesis 37, Genesis 39—47

Main Point: Responding to adversity with trust and integrity honors God. Questions: What impacted you from the message this weekend? What challenged you or encouraged you? What did you learn about God’s character through the study of Joseph’s life. Read Genesis 37. What do you notice about Israel’s family dynamics in this chapter? What did Joseph dream about? Why did his family resent his dreams?  What did his brothers do to him? What do you think Joseph might be feeling during this time? Read Genesis 39-41. Why did Potiphar put Joseph in charge of his household? What temptation did he face? What did he say when he was tempted? (See Gen 39:8-10) How did Joseph display integrity in the face of adversity in chapter 39? What happened to Joseph in prison? How does his ability to interpret dreams get him out of prison? How old was Joseph when he was put in charge of Egypt? How did he respond to the impending drought? Read Genesis 42-47. How did Joseph get his brothers to bring whole family down to Egypt? Why was it so hard to get all of his brothers and father to come? What happened when Joseph reveals his true identity to his brothers. How did they respond? How did Joseph respond? (See Gen 45:1-15) Read Genesis 50:15-21. After Israel died, why were Joseph’s brothers afraid of him? What did Joseph say to reassure them? What do Joseph’s words reveal about his understanding of God’s sovereignty even in difficulty? What is one thing you can do this week to put into practice what you learned in this message? 

Week 4 Moses

July 2, 2023 • Erik Miller • Exodus 32, Numbers 24:4–8, Deuteronomy 34, Exodus 1—3, Exodus 7—11

Main Point: God works through His people as they trust in Him. Questions: 1. What impacted you from the message this weekend? What challenged you or encouraged you? What did you learn about God’s character through the study of Moses’ life? 2. Read Exodus 1. How did the dynamics shift between the time of Joseph to the time of the current Pharoah in this passage? What was Pharoah’s wicked plan for getting rid of the Hebrews? 3. Read Exodus 2. What were the circumstances that Moses was born into? What huge risk did his mother and sister take? How can you see God’s orchestration of events in this chapter? 4. How did Moses respond to the mistreatment of the Hebrew by the Egyptian? Why did he flee? 5. Read Exodus 3. Describe Moses’ encounter with God through the burning bush. How would you have reacted if you were in Moses’ place? What did God say to Moses? What was Moses’ response to God? 6. Read Exodus 7-11. In these chapters, God used Moses to confront Pharoah and demand that Pharoah let the Israelites go. How did Pharoah respond throughout the 10 plagues God sent? 7. What was the significance of the night of Passover? What is the connection with Passover and the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross? 8. Read Exodus 32. God made Covenant with the Israelites and gave them His law. He provided the law through Moses and gave him the instructions for the Tabernacle. What were the people doing while Moses was gone? How did Moses intercede with God for the Israelites? What happened when Moses came down the mountain? 9. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/num%2021.4-8. What happened in this passage? This is one of several places where the Israelites grumbled against God and Moses. How did God respond to their grumbling in this passage? 10. Read Deuteronomy 34. Moses was not allowed to enter the Promised Land because of his actions in https://biblia.com/bible/niv/num%2020.1-13. What happened in this chapter? How was Moses described in these verses? 11. What is one thing you can do this week to put into practice what you learned in this message?

Week 5 Deborah

July 9, 2023 • Erik Miller • Judges 4—5

Main Point: God will deliver His people in unexpected ways. Questions: 1. What impacted you from the message this weekend? What challenged you or encouraged you? What did you learn about God’s character through the study of Deborah’s life? 2. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/judg%204.1-3. What is the situation at the beginning of this chapter? How does this reflect the larger state of the nation of Israel in the book of Judges? 3. What people are introduced in these verses? Why did the people cry out to God? 4. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/judg%204.4-12. How did God use Deborah in these verses? What was unique about Deborah? What was Barak’s response to God’s command spoken through Deborah? 5. Both sides gathered their forces for battle. Where does the battle take place? 6. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/judg%204.14-24. What happened in the battle between Barak and Sisera? Where did Sisera run to escape Barak’s army? How does Jael greet him? 7. How did Jael take care of Sisera? How did this fulfill what Deborah said? Why was Jael an unlikely hero? 8. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/judg%204.14-24. Judges chapter 5 is a poem about the events of chapter 4. What details does this chapter provide about Deborah? What details does this chapter provide about the battle? What details does this chapter provide about God? 9. What is one thing you can do this week to put into practice what you learned in this message?

Week 6 Ruth

July 16, 2023 • Erik Miller • Ruth

Main Point: God's providential care for His people demonstrates His lovingkindness. Questions: What impacted you from the message this weekend? What challenged you or encouraged you? What did you learn about God’s character through the study of Ruth? Read Ruth Chapter 1. What was the situation at the beginning of the book of Ruth? Who were the main characters? What happened to the main character? How do you see God working in Naomi and Ruth’s friendship? How did Ruth express her commitment to Naomi and Naomi’s God? (See https://biblia.com/bible/niv/ruth%201.16-18) Read Ruth Chapter 2. What does the writer of Ruth tell us about Boaz in this chapter? What examples of his character does the reader get from this text? How did God move in this chapter? What examples of God’s providential care are in this chapter? Read Ruth Chapter 3. What did Naomi tell Ruth to do in this chapter? Why was this a dangerous plan? How did Boaz respond to Ruth? What did Boaz commit to doing for Ruth? What did it mean to redeem Ruth? What stood in Boaz’s way? Read Ruth Chapter 4. What happened in the chapter? What was the result of Boaz redeeming Ruth. What do we learn about the child of Boaz and Ruth? Why is the genealogy in https://biblia.com/bible/niv/ruth%204.16-22 important? What is one thing you can do this week to put into practice what you learned in this message?

Week 7 David

July 23, 2023 • Erik Miller • 1 Samuel 16—17, 2 Samuel 5—6, 2 Samuel 11—12, Psalm 51, Psalm 63

Main Point: Walking with God means failing forward and experiencing God’s fellowship and forgiveness. Questions: 1. What impacted you from the message this weekend? What challenged you or encouraged you? What did you learn about God’s character through the study of David? 2. Read 1 Samuel 16. What happened to Saul that caused Samuel to anoint a new king? What does verse seven reveal about how God chose David? Why is the heart more important than the appearance? 3. What is David’s role in Saul’s palace? How is David described in verse 18? 4. Read 1 Samuel 17. What is happened in this chapter? Why wouldn’t anyone fight Goliath? What was at stake for the Israelite and Philistine armies? What was the reward for the solider that defeated Goliath? 5. What was David’s motivation in fighting Goliath? What was David’s confidence? 6. Read 2 Samuel 5. After many years of running from Saul, David eventually becomes King of a united Israel. What did David do shortly after becoming King? 7. Read 2 Samuel 6. Why is moving the Ark of the Covenant important? How did this show David’s heart for God? How did David celebrate as the Ark of the Covenant was brought into Jerusalem? 8. Read 2 Samuel 11-12. Describe the events in chapter 11. What choices did David make? What choices did Uriah make? What did God tell David through Nathan? What consequences did David’s actions have for his family? 9. Read Psalm 51. This Psalm is about David’s experiences related to Bathsheba. Describe David’s prayer in this Psalm. What did he ask for? What did he want from God? 10. Read Psalm 63. This Psalm shows David’s desire to know God intimately and personally. How did he describe his longing for God? How did he describe God’s love? (See verse 3.) 11. David is described as a man after God’s own heart. After hearing about his life, how can such a description be true? What does it mean to be a person after God’s own heart? What would it look like for you to be person after God’s own heart? 12. What is one thing you can do this week to put into practice what you learned in this message?

Week 8 Elijah

July 30, 2023 • Erik Miller • 1 Kings 17—22, 2 Kings 1—2

Main Point: Loving God provides clarity of purpose and courage to follow where He leads. Questions: 1. What impacted you from the message this weekend? What challenged you or encouraged you? What did you learn about God’s character through the study of Elijah? 2. Read 1 Kings 17. Who was King Ahab? (See https://biblia.com/bible/niv/1%20kings%2016.29-33.) What does the author reveal about Elijah in this chapter? What is revealed about God and His character? 3. How did Elijah interact with the widow and her son? How did God take care of His prophet and His people? 4. Read 1 Kings 18. Describe the confrontations in this chapter. Look at verse 21. What was the issue that Elijah raised to the people of Israel? Is this an issue that still exists for followers of God? 5. How did the conflict between Elijah and the prophets of Baal go? What did God do to show Himself as greater than Baal? What happened to the people of Israel and the prophets of Baal? 6. Read 1 Kings 19. What is surprising about Elijah’s behavior after his confrontation with the prophets of Baal? What did Elijah ask God to do? What was God’s response? How did God care for Elijah until he is rested? 7. Describe the conversation between God and Elijah in https://biblia.com/bible/niv/1%20kings%2019.9-18. What would it have been like to be Elijah? How did God reassure Elijah? 8. What is one thing you can do this week to put into practice what you learned in this message?

Week 9 Esther

August 6, 2023 • Erik Miller • Esther

Main Point: No matter how the situation may appear to us, God is faithfully working for our good. Questions: 1. What impacted you from the message this weekend? What challenged you or encouraged you? What did you learn about God’s character through the study of Esther? 2. Read Esther Chapters 1-2. Who are the main people in these chapters? What happened between King Xerxes and Queen Vashti? What do we learn about Esther and Mordecai? 3. How do you see God working in these chapters? 4. Read Esther Chapters 3-5. How did Haman respond to Mordecai’s refusal to bow? How did this lead to the threat against all the Israelites? 5. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/esther%204.12-16. What does Mordecai’s statement reveal about the character of God? What did Mordecai say about God orchestration of Esther’s position as queen? What did Esther say in response? 6. Read Esther 6-7. What happened in these chapters? What unexpected twists did Esther, Mordecai, and Haman experience? Did these things happen by coincidence? 7. How do you see God’s orchestration in these chapters? 8. Read Esther 8-10. How does the book of Esther conclude? Was this the way you thought it would turn out? 9. On a scale of 1-10, how much to you believe that God is working in the details of your life? Explain your answer. 10. What is one thing you can do this week to put into practice what you learned in this message?

Week 10 Mary

August 13, 2023 • Erik Miller • Luke 1

Main Point: Our call to trust in God is rooted in His unchanging character. Questions: 1. What impacted you from the message this weekend? What challenged you or encouraged you? What did you learn about God’s character through the study of Mary? 2. What details do you know about Mary’s life? Which details seem the most important to you? 3. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/luke%201.26-38. What details did Luke include about Mary in these verses? What do you notice most about Mary in her encounter with Gabriel? What does the angel say about God? 4. What did the angel Gabriel say about Jesus and the role that Mary would play in His birth? How did Mary respond to the angel? What did this reveal about her faith? 5. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/luke%201.39-45. Why did it make sense for Mary to visit Elizabeth? How did Elizabeth’s baby (John the Baptist) respond to Mary? How did the Holy Spirit work in these verses? 6. Why did Elizabeth call Mary blessed? How did Elizabeth refer to Mary’s baby? 7. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/luke%201.46-56. What can we learn about Mary’s faith from her prayer? What do we learn about the character of God in this prayer? 8. Mary described God’s faithfulness and His provision for His people. How can an understanding of the unchanging character and faithfulness of God anchor a person’s trust in Him? 9. What would it look like for you to trust God the way Mary did? How is her faith and example to us? 10. What is one thing you can do this week to put into practice what you learned in this message?

Week 11 Peter

August 20, 2023 • Erik Miller • Matthew 16:13–27, Luke 22:31–34, John 1:40–42, Luke 5:1–11, Matthew 14:22–33

Verses: John 1:40-42, Luke 5:1-11, Matthew 14:22-33, Matthew 16:13-27, Luke 22:31-34, Luke 22:54-62, John 21:1-19, Acts 2:1-47 Main Point: God uses our failures to grow us when we respond in love and trust. Questions: What impacted you from the message this weekend? What challenged you or encouraged you? What did you learn about God through the study of Peter? What details do you know about Peter’s life? Which details seem the most important to you? Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/john%201.40-42. What happened in these verses? What is significant about Jesus giving Simon the new name Peter? Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/luke%205.1-11. What do you learn about Jesus and Peter from these verses? What was Jesus doing when he told Simon to let down his nets? Why was Simon reluctant to let down his nets? How did Jesus get Simon’s attention through this miracle? What was Simon’s reaction? What did Jesus call Simon to do? Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/matt%2014.22-33. Describe the setting of this section of scripture? How did the men feel when they saw a man walking towards them on the water? What did Jesus say, and how did Peter respond? What was Jesus’ response to Peter’s lack of faith? How did the people aboard the boat respond to Jesus? What does this account show us about Jesus and faith? Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/matt%2016.13-27. How did the people describe Jesus? How did Peter describe Jesus? What is the significance of this moment? Why did Peter try to rebuke Jesus? What was Jesus’ response? What does this tell us about Peter’s understanding of Jesus’ plan at that time? Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/luke%2022.31-34. What is the context of these verses? What did Jesus tell Simon about his future? Why was this both difficult and hopeful? Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/luke%2022.54-62. What happened in these verses? Why would Peter deny Jesus? What happened when Peter saw Jesus? Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/john%2021.1-19. How is this account similar to Peter’s first call to be a disciple in https://biblia.com/bible/niv/luke%205.1-11? How did Peter respond to seeing Jesus? What did Jesus ask Peter? How can you see God’s grace at work in this passage? Think of a time when you have sinned and felt like God could never forgive you. How does this account give you hope in God’s amazing grace and forgiveness? Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/acts%202.1-47. What role did Peter play in the early church and at the day of Pentecost? How did God use him on that day? What things did you learn about Jesus through the life of Peter? Jesus called Peter and calls each one of us to follow Him. How can you answer that call in your life today? What is one specific thing you can do this week to put into practice what you learned in this message?

Week 12 John

August 27, 2023 • Erik Miller • Luke 9:51–56, Mark 3:13–19, Mark 10:35–45

Main Point: The transformational love of Jesus softens and shapes the heart of His followers. Questions: What impacted you from the message this weekend? What challenged you or encouraged you? What did you learn about God through the study of John? What details do you know about John’s life? Which details seem the most important to you? Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/mark%203.13-19. What name did Jesus give to James and John? What does it reveal about their personalities when they started following Jesus? Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/mark%2010.35-45. What did James and John ask Jesus for? What was his response? What did the cup and baptism represent? How would James and John share in these things? Why were the other disciples angry with James and John? How did Jesus use this conflict to teach His disciples about the nature of servant leadership? Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/luke%209.51-56. How did the Jews and the Samaritans get along? How was this relationship reflected in James and John’s words? Why did Jesus rebuke them? Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/acts%208.14-17. How did things come full circle for John and the Samaritans? How is this a demonstration of the power of the Gospel? Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/1%20john%203.16-18 and https://biblia.com/bible/niv/1%20john%204.7-12. What did John say about love in these passages? What connections did John make between being loved by God and loving others? How should the love of God shape our love for others? What similarities do you see in Jesus’ teaching and the writings of John? (See https://biblia.com/bible/niv/john%2013.34-35 and https://biblia.com/bible/niv/john%2015.9-17) What things did you learn about God through the life of John? How has God challenged you to love Him and the people around you more through this message? What is one specific thing you can do this week to put into practice what you learned in this message?

Week 13 Paul

September 3, 2023 • Erik Miller • Acts 7:54—8:3, Acts 9:1–22, 2 Corinthians 11:23–28, 1 Corinthians 15:1–11, Philippians 3:5–6

Verses: Philippians 3:5-6, Acts 7:54-8:3, Acts 9:1-22, 2 Corinthians 11:23-28, 1 Corinthians 15:1-11, 1 Timothy 1:12-17, Philippians 3:7-10 Main Point: God is mighty to save and graceful to pursue. Questions: 1. What impacted you from this message? What challenged you or encouraged you? What did you learn about God through the study of Paul? 2. What details do you know about Paul’s life? Which details seem the most important to you? 3. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/phil%203.5-6. How did Paul describe his religious background? Which things was he born into, and which things did he pursue? How could have Paul’s background created a barrier to following Jesus? 4. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/acts%207.54-8.3. What was Saul’s role at the Stephen’s stoning. What happened after Stephen was martyred? Describe Saul’s persecution of the early church? 5. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/acts%209.1-22. What was Saul doing at the beginning of this passage? How did the Lord get his attention? What did Jesus say to Saul? What would you have felt if you were in Saul’s place? 6. What was Ananias’ response to being told to pray for Saul? What did the Lord tell Ananias about Saul? After his conversion, what did Paul do? What did the people say about him? 7. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/2%20cor%2011.23-28. Paul was called to be the “Apostle to the Gentiles” (https://biblia.com/bible/niv/rom%2011.13). Throughout his missionary journeys, Paul would suffer for the Jesus. Describe the sufferings Paul listed in these verses? 8. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/1%20cor%2015.1-11. In these verses Paul described the Gospel message and how it impacted him. How would you describe the Gospel from these verses? What impact did it have on Paul? 9. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/1%20tim%201.12-17. How did Paul describe himself in these verses? How did God’s grace change him? How do these verses give us hope that anyone can trust in Jesus and experience his grace? 10. Read https://biblia.com/bible/niv/phil%203.7-10. This is the continuation of the verses you read above. What did Paul desire above all else? Why is knowing God so important? 11. What is one specific thing you can do this week to put into practice what you learned in this message?