
John 11:1-57 || Sermon 02/11/24

February 11, 2024 • Erik Miller • John 11

Jesus’ friend is sick, yet He waits to go and as a result arrives too late to save his life. Lazarus has died and been buried, and the family is grieving. These are close friends; they know what Jesus has done for strangers. He’s performed so many miracles at this point of his ministry, He’s healed many sick, restored sight to the blind and walking to the lame. Why does He delay? We like to tie this passage up in a bow with words of God’s perfect timing and bigger plan. That is absolutely true, but these friends are living in the present and their why is a poignant why. 


Jesus’ response to both sisters and to Lazarus reveals a God who both weeps with compassion and is angry about death and the suffering it brings. He is a God who responds individually and personally. He is the resurrection and the life, whoever believes in Jesus will live, even though he dies.

  Do you believe this?

 Take your why to Jesus – He comforts like no other.


To prepare for this week’s message read and reflect upon John chapter 11