
John 16:1-33 || Sermon 04/21/24

April 21, 2024 • Erik Miller • John 16

Jesus prepares His disciples for persecution so they aren’t surprised and stumbled by it when it comes. He tells them about the work of the Holy Spirit made available to them by His leaving. They will soon weep and mourn while the world rejoices, but their grief will turn to joy. It seems impossible and perplexing that everything that will soon happen could turn out in any positive way. Jesus arrested? His ministry, healing, and teaching stopped? Him beaten, mocked, and unjustly sentenced? His crucifixion? No human power is capable of such a thing. Only God has the ability to turn evil on its head and bring about life from death, good from suffering, joy from grief. 


Marvel with us at Jesus’ words as you prepare for this week’s message by reading John chapter 16.