
Advent Week 3 | Sunday Sermon

December 10, 2023 • Erik Miller • Philippians 2:1–11

Celebrating Christmas is significant because it refocuses our hearts and minds on what is most important—loving people like Jesus loved us. While Christmas trees, lights, presents, fun, food, gifts, etc. make something a celebration or festival, and can enhance our Christmas celebration—they are not essential for celebrating Jesus. The true Christmas Spirit is being rooted in the sacrifice of Jesus coming to earth and becoming human—for us—and living/loving out of that truth. The attitude of love, self-sacrifice, and self-giving mirror Emmanuel—God with us. As we focus on the simple parts of Christ’s coming; the little town, the stable, Almighty God taking on flesh, remember that God did all of those things with intention and purpose. He is showing us what Love looks like and how far Love is willing to go for the sake of another. No matter how your December has been or what lies ahead for you, in all things the truth of God’s love for you is secure. To Him be all glory and praise through Jesus Christ our Lord, amen!

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