
The Way of the Cross, a narrated journey

the "Way of the Cross" journey on our church campus

1 - on the Mount of Olives

April 3, 2020 • Paul Kreitzer, Elder

It is here that Jesus prayed so hard that His sweat became like drops of blood. His humanity desired to avoid, if possible, the coming separation from the Father.

2 - the Sanhedrin Trial

April 3, 2020 • Paul Kreitzer, Elder

False accusations were heaped upon Jesus first, before Annas, and then second, before the high priest, Caiaphas. With Peter standing nearby, those gathered hear Jesus answer the trumped up testimony with the great “I AM”.

between stations 2 and 3

April 3, 2020 • Paul Kreitzer, Elder

between station 2 (the Sanhedrin trial) and station 3 (the trail before Pilate)

3 - the Trial Before Pilate

April 3, 2020 • Paul Kreitzer, Elder

It is during these early hours of the morning that Pilate and Jesus have a theological discussion regarding truth. Pilate did not realize that Jesus was not merely teaching the truth, but was in http://actuality...the Truth.

4 - the Crown of Thorns

April 3, 2020 • Paul Kreitzer, Elder

The soldiers add their own touch by weaving a mock crown of thorns and jamming it on to His head.

5 - Carrying His Cross

April 3, 2020 • Paul Kreitzer, Elder

The load that Jesus carried was certainly more than a few extra pounds of wood beams. It was the spiritual burden that had to be overwhelming.

6 - Speaking to the Women

April 3, 2020 • Paul Kreitzer, Elder

A large part of the lamenting crowd was made up of women. Women He had cared for. Women He had healed. Women who were treated with respect, in a culture where that was not necessarily a value.

7 - the Cross

April 3, 2020 • Paul Kreitzer, Elder

Hanging between two thieves and exposed for the entire world to see, He lays down His own life, so that we might gain a new life.

8 - the Tomb Burial

April 3, 2020 • Paul Kreitzer, Elder

To make sure He stayed put, Pilate placed a seal over the stone. That, and the Roman guards on duty, would certainly keep Him inside. Wouldn’t it?

The Resurrection

April 3, 2020 • Paul Kreitzer, Elder

He is not here. He has Risen!