
Advent Day 12

December 9, 2019

Chapter twelve starts off with the Lord addressing the hypocrisy of the leadership of Israel during the 2nd temple period. Jesus warns to “beware of the leaven of the Pharisees” – the “leaven” being hypocrisy. In verse 4, Jesus tells his disciples that He doesn't want them fearing man, only to fear God, who has the power to control the destiny and reward of our souls. In verses 6-7, Jesus teaches that he wants them to place their faith in God alone and align themselves with the Messiah. He gives the illustration of how God even cares for the least of all birds, the sparrow.

Following this, Jesus teaches on the brevity and uncertainty of life. He gives the parable of the rich fool who was laying up treasures on this earth – not concerned with eternity. God desires His people to be eternally minded. Only God’s Word and God’s people will go on into eternity; thus our investment should be with this in mind. Jesus wants the disciples to trust God for their needs here on earth, telling them that where their treasure was, their hearts would be also.

As chapter twelve closes, Jesus teaches that He desires them to always be looking for Him, saying that the servant who is found doing His master's work is (present tense) blessed. In other words, we can be blessed now in our Kingdom labor (not only in heaven) by living for Him.

Questions for Reflection:
If you and Jesus were having a personal conversation about these teachings, what would He say are the things in your life that pull you towards "earthly treasures"? Where would He say is your greatest source of worry and anxiety? Reread and meditate on verses 22-31, allowing God's truth to nourish your soul.