
Oh Victory in Jesus!

Psalm 47:3

September 28, 2021 • Cole Cleveland • Psalm 47:3

3 He subdued peoples under us, and nations under our feet.
Psalm 47:3

After stopping and reflecting on the Sovereign Supremacy of God, and understanding "how" were are to praise Him as King, now we look to the "why." It is most certainly enough for us to know that He Alone is King of the universe, and this should cause us to "clap our hands" and "shout" for joy. But we are given a more in-depth guide into the King and why we are to worship Him forever.

"He subdued peoples under us, and nations under our feet." -- This statement is not only a look to the past, but also is a present and future reality. God won victories and because God won victories, the people of God were victorious. Enemies of God were the enemies of the children of God. And the Lord, the Most High, conquered these enemies.

Consider some of the Old Testament battles that were won. Consider the walls of Jericho coming down. Consider David throwing the small stone at the Philistine. Consider Moses raising his staff and having people lift his arms for him, in order to obey God in battle. These victories are God subduing His enemies under the feet of His people.

The word "subdued" means "to speak." I found this to be unusual, but what we can understand about this Hebrew origin is that God spoke, and it was so. He spoke and the world came into existence. He spoke and there was light. And here, God spoke (in the past tense) and our enemies were conquered. This is a present reality for us. No matter what persecution you face, God is victorious. No matter how difficult life might be, it is God who is victorious over His enemies.

And then this verse is a future reality. That God WILL win the war. There will come a day when every knee will bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord for the glory of God the Father. Praise Him!! Clap your hands! Shout for joy! Our Lord has come to conquer! Our Lord will not be denied. He will damn those who hate Him. And He will save those who repent and believe. Praise the name of the Lord!

I wonder if we actually believe these things to be true in our heart. Or are we so spoiled in the United States of America, that we just expect victory? Are you so out of touch with the reality of the Victorious God, that we just expect everything to be done for us?... I hope that is not the case. Instead, we must be hungry for God's victory! We must thirst for His victory! We must desire that He will be dominant and that He will conquer!

Imagine taking this approach to your current sin. Imagine surrendering your current sin to a dominant and powerful God who is able to conquer. Submit to His Kingship and His power and you can be victorious over your sin. NOT because you followed a 7-step program... but because God subdued His enemies under the feet of those whom He has called. But in order for this to happen, you MUST be obedient. You MUST submit to His Kingship. You MUST surrender your life to Him.

If you are struggling with sin today, the will of God for your life is to surrender that sin to Him and submit to His Lordship. The will of God for your life is to repent, and to turn. To repent means to completely turn the other direction. You realize your sinfulness and you must turn.

Listen, if you continue to walk the way you are going, then you will eventually arrive there. Let that sink in. You must REPENT!

In your repentance, understand the dominance that God has over sin. Understand the power that God has over sin. You can be victorious over your sin, only because of the power of a God who has come that you might have life, and have it more abundantly!! You can live life to the fullest, when you choose to repent and be freed from sin! REPENT!

"1 Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy!
2 For the LORD, the Most High, is to be feared, a great king over all the earth.
3 He subdued peoples under us, and nations under our feet."

Our adoration for God should result in praise and shouts of joy. Praise His name today! Praise Him for who He is! Praise Him for what He has done. Praise Him for what He is doing. And praise Him for what He will do!

There is victory in the God of our salvation!

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