
Clap Your Hands!

Psalm 47:1-2

September 27, 2021 • Cole Cleveland • Psalm 47:1–2

1 Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy!
2 For the LORD, the Most High, is to be feared, a great king over all the earth.
Psalms 47:1-2

This week in the reading plan from the app, we'll be studying Psalm 47. The key elements of this Psalm are to understand that God is THE Sovereign King over all of the universe and that includes all peoples, all nations and all tribes. The very concept of this overarching view for us to understand about God is enough for us to meditate on today. We often forget or neglect to comprehend the Supremacy of the Ruling Power of the Almighty God. Praise Him for He is King -- the ONLY King.

"Clap your hands, all peoples" -- This Psalm opens up with a command to the world to praise God. It's a command to the entire world to recognize that "the Lord our God, He IS God, and there is no other." It's a call to worship. It's a call to all people in all nations of all tribes to recognize the Holiness and the Power and the Supremacy of Christ and rejoice for the Lord is King!

"Shout to God with loud songs of joy!" -- Once again, this is a command to all people to rejoice in the Lord. This is a command for all people to "shout" for joy at the recognition of the King of kings and the Lord of lords. It's a demand for all people to find joy in the fact that our King is Sovereign and Supreme over all of the universe.

Do you find joy in the Lord? Do you find joy in His Kingship? Do you find joy in recognizing Him alone as Lord of all the earth? Praise Him for His Sovereignty today! Praise Him for His Supremacy today! "Clap your hands" and "shout" for joy because HE IS IN CONTROL!!!

"For the LORD, the Most High, is to be feared, a great king over all the earth." -- Yahweh is described as "the Most High" God. Meaning, He is "exalted far above all gods." Meaning, He is "high and lifted up." Meaning, there are "no other gods before Me." Do you recognize Him in this way? Do you surrender to His Supremacy? Do you submit to Him on a daily basis, because of His Highness??
You can evaluate this in 4 ways:
1) How do I spend my time?
2) How do I prioritize my relationships?
3) How do I spend my money?
4) Do I love the bride of Christ, the local church?

These evaluations will tell you whether or not you see Yahweh as "the Most High" God.

"For the LORD, the Most High, is to be feared..." -- We don't fear God as we ought to fear God. We don’t revere Him. We don't have a reverence for God like we ought to. At best, God is our "buddy." We have this cartoon picture of God, and we don't stop and savor His Supremacy. We don't WANT TO reflect on His Power. We don't WANT TO consider His Majesty. This type of daily meditation will drive you to your knees and cause you to fear God.

The result of fearing God is a changed life. Your changed life is the FRUIT of fearing God. We often mistake this by saying, "If I change this or that in my life, then that means that I fear God." We might say, "If I stop drinking, that will prove that I fear God." Or "If I prioritize church over work, then that means I fear God." But this is backwards. These actions are good and should be observed. BUT these actions are a RESULT of fearing God... the actions themself do not create fear. Instead, your very inner being ought to tremble at the thought of the Glory and the Holiness of God. It is a Weightiness that creates fear. The Weightiness of the Holiness and the Glory and the Splendor of God creates a fear inside of you that should naturally change the purpose of your existence. You DO only because you FEAR.

"A great King over all the earth" -- This is the description of our King in the opening sentence of this Psalm. It is a statement of fact, which describes the very existence of God. He is King. And He is King over ever individual who ever existed. This is a statement of fact.

As Heralds, Ambassadors, our job is to call the nations to repentance. We are to call the people of the earth to repentance in recognition of the King of kings and the Lord of lords. We are to call the nations to repent and believe in the One True God! This is our calling... this is our purpose!

But listen... how can we go to the nations, if we do not first have the confidence in our God to change our marriage? How can we go to the nations, if we do not first have the confidence in the Power of God to save our neighbor? How can we go to the nations, if we do not have confidence in the Saving Power of God to change the life of our co-worker? How can we go to the nations, if we don't even prioritize the bride of Christ over our work?

The fact is this... We all know and can agree that we are to be Heralds and we should take the Gospel to the nations. But none of us actually practice this in the core circle of people in our lives. If you actually believed in the Weightiness of the Glory of God, then the people that God has intentionally and specifically put in your life would know of the Supremacy of Christ. We have to stop hiding behind the idea of being comfortable. We MUST Fear God. We MUST bow down before Him. We MUST submit our lives totally and fully to His Kingship. And in doing this, He will receive Glory.

Praise the name of the Lord!
For He ALONE is God!
Find everlasting JOY in His Kingship and His Holiness and His Supremacy and His Glory and His Majesty!

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