
Giants, Grasshoppers, and the Stories We Tell Ourselves

I Doubt It

May 5, 2024 • Joe Le-Mon • Numbers 13, Genesis 6

In this message, Pastor Joe Le-Mon wraps up our series, “I Doubt It,” with a message on the transformative power of faith in overcoming life's giants. He tells the story of the Israelites, who saw themselves as grasshoppers in the eyes of giants, a reflection of their own insecurities and fears. He draws parallels to our modern struggles with feelings of inadequacy and the importance of seeing ourselves as God sees us—more than conquerors through Christ who loves us. Join us as we discuss how shifting our perspective from a 'victim mindset' to a 'victor mindset' can change the stories we tell ourselves and empower us to live in the fullness of our God-given identity. We’re praying that, wherever you are, as you listen, you’ll be inspired, challenged, and reminded of the authority you carry in Jesus.

More from I Doubt It

Can science & faith coexist?

April 28, 2024 • Jonathan Schaeffer • Isaiah 40:26, 2 Timothy 3:15–16, Romans 1:20, Psalm 19

Join us as we continue our series "I Doubt It," where we'll explore the awe-inspiring connection between the vastness of the universe and the intimate care of God. This week Pastor Jonathan takes us on a journey through the scriptures and scientific thought, revealing how both realms—faith and science—complement and enrich our understanding of the world and the Creator behind it all. Starting with the words of Isaiah and the encouragement to look to the heavens, our pastor reminds us of the power and meticulous care of God who knows each star by name. This sets the stage for a deeper exploration into how the natural world points us towards the divine qualities of God, as emphasized in Romans 1:19-20, where Paul argues that God's eternal power and divine nature are clearly seen through what has been made. The message navigates through philosophical and scientific discussions, including the cosmological and teleological arguments. These arguments challenge us to consider the origins of the universe and the intricate design of creation, suggesting a deliberate Designer behind the complexities of life. A particularly striking moment in the sermon is the discussion on how even renowned scientists like Richard Dawkins acknowledge the cultural impact of Christianity, hinting at the universal longing for meaning beyond the empirical. Pastor Jonathan doesn't shy away from addressing the apparent tensions between science and faith. Instead, he invites us to see them as complementary ways of understanding the world. He reassures us that pursuing scientific inquiry does not diminish faith but can actually deepen our awe and reverence towards God. He calls us to not let our questions about the natural world impede our relationship with Jesus. It's a powerful reminder that our ultimate clarity and understanding come from God, and that faith and science together can lead us to a fuller appreciation of His creation. Join us in this week as we reflect on the magnificence of the cosmos and the even more magnificent Creator who invites us to know Him personally and profoundly. Whether you're a science enthusiast, a seeker of spiritual truths, or somewhere in between, this message offers valuable insights into the harmony of science and faith. Have a recent story of life transformation? We want to hear it. http://www.gracecma.org/mystory If you’d like to support what God is doing here at Grace, in our communities, and around the world, you can https://gracecma.churchcenter.com/giving Thank you, Grace family, for the way you love, grow, and serve together.

How can I trust God when there's so much pain in the world?

April 21, 2024 • Jonathan Schaeffer • Jeremiah 18:5–6, Matthew 13:20–21, Genesis 3:13–19, Job, Romans 5:3–5

This week in our series "I Doubt It: Confronting Issues That Challenge Our Faith", Pastor Jonathan delves into the profound truths about suffering, faith, and the redemptive power of Christ. Drawing from personal experiences and biblical narratives, he explores the theme of pain and its place in our spiritual growth and understanding of God's ultimate plan. 1. The Place of Cleansing: Discover the pivotal moment when Pastor Jonathan understood the true meaning of the Gospel during a rally in New York City, where he learned that the Ten Commandments alone cannot save us—it is through Christ's sacrifice that we find true cleansing. 2. Trusting God in Tragedy: Listen as Pastor Jonathan shares how personal tragedies can be transformative, guiding us to a deeper trust in God who writes the final chapter of our stories. 3. The Consistency of Christ's Compassion: Reflect on the comforting truth that Jesus Christ's compassion is unchanging, as evidenced in the biblical account of the widow in Luke chapter seven, reminding us that God's heart goes out to us in our suffering. 4. Global Outreach and Personal Reflections: Join Pastor Jonathan as he recounts recent mission experiences in West Africa, highlighting the impact of community and service in spreading the Gospel. 5. The Power of Communion and Reflection: Engage with a poignant discussion on the symbolism of pottery in scripture and life, and how it relates to our own transformation through Christ's sacrifice. 6. Job's Endurance and Our Response: Delve into the story of Job, a man of great endurance, whose life challenges us to maintain faith amidst suffering, encouraging listeners to hold onto hope and trust in God's good ending. This message is a journey through scripture, personal faith, and collective endurance in the face of life's challenges. Whether you're struggling with personal pain or seeking deeper theological insights, this message offers a powerful perspective on suffering and the sovereign hand of God in our lives. Join us as we explore these themes, grounded in the hope and healing found in Jesus Christ. Have a recent story of life transformation? We want to hear it. http://www.gracecma.org/mystory If you’d like to support what God is doing here at Grace, in our communities, and around the world, you can https://gracecma.churchcenter.com/giving Thank you, Grace family, for the way you love, grow, and serve together.

Why is there only one way?

April 14, 2024 • Tom Sefik • John 14:6, 1 Timothy 2:4–5, John 14:1–9

Join us as we continue our series "I Doubt It," where Pastor Tom Sefik delves into the challenging questions surrounding the exclusivity of Christianity in a pluralistic world. Addressing the common objection, "How can there be only one true religion?" Pastor Tom provides a compelling exploration of the logical and historical evidence supporting the uniqueness of Christianity. Discover the profound implications of Jesus' declaration, "I am the way, the truth, and the life," and why this claim sets Christianity apart from all other faiths. Learn about the logical inconsistencies of pluralism, the historical veracity of the Gospels, and the unparalleled nature of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. Whether you're a skeptic, a seeker, or a long-time believer, this message offers a deep dive into why Christianity claims to be the singular path to God amidst a world of diverse beliefs. Have a recent story of life transformation? We want to hear it. http://www.gracecma.org/mystory If you’d like to support what God is doing here at Grace, in our communities, and around the world, you can https://gracecma.churchcenter.com/giving Thank you, Grace family, for the way you love, grow, and serve together.