
Christ-Centered Community

1 Corinthians 12:12-26

September 5, 2021 • Drake Osborn • 1 Corinthians 12:12–26

1 Corinthians 12:12-26 // Our second value is Christ-Centered Community. The community of the church is a body because of Christ's work in uniting us in our diversity. We cannot "unbody" ourselves, no matter how much we feel like we don't belong, and we cannot "unbody" anyone else, no matter how much we feel like they don't belong.

Suffering and Mission

August 21, 2022 • Dave Becker • Colossians 1:24–29

Colossians 1:24-29 // The riches of Christ in the gospel enable the church to live out Kingdom-multiplying mission through proclaiming the message of the gospel to all people and suffering for sake of the gospel, and for those who have yet to hear.

Fall and Rise

August 14, 2022 • Drake Osborn • 2 Samuel 9

2 Samuel 9 // What is Christ-Centered Community? It is a community of mutual need, a community of honor in the gospel, and a community bound together by covenant.

Two Charges

August 7, 2022 • Drake Osborn • 1 Timothy 1:3–7

1 Timothy 1:3-7 // In this text, we hear two charges related to Biblical, Historic, Christianity: 1) guard the gospel; 2) guard your love.