
The True Once and Future King

Psalm 72

June 28, 2020 • Chase Strickland

Psalm 72 // Christ is not only our savior, but also our one true King. In this psalm, we see that  only Jesus, the promised king of the line of David, rules with perfect justice, perfect compassion, and perfectly blesses his kingdom. Because of this, we delight in his reign and desire it to spread to all people and every area of our life.

Favor Past, Favor Future

August 9, 2020 • Drake Osborn

Psalm 132 // This psalm of ascent pulls us back to remember God's faithfulness to David and ultimately points us to God's eternal promises fulfilled for us in Jesus Christ the son of David.

The Steadfast Love of The Lord

August 2, 2020 • Keith Schubert

Psalm 118 // This psalm has stood the test of time as a brace for the hearts of believers, to not only survive but thrive in times of trouble. In all these trials God is our refuge and strength to survive as he sustains us with his steadfast love in Christ. The bad times are temporary as this life, but our existence with God is not.

Say So

July 26, 2020 • Drake Osborn

Psalm 107 // In Christ we are enveloped in God's story: a story of Redemption. We have been redeemed from wandering, from imprisonment to sin, from foolish self-destruction, and from the storms of the world, all so that we can glorify and praise God with our story. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!