
The Body Created

Chrystie Cole & Virginia Griffin


How a woman thinks about, views, and treats her body will either disempower her and hinder her growth in spiritual maturity, or it will free her from slavery to self and enable her to be a powerful and effective minister of Christ in all seasons and circumstances. Self-acceptance will never bring lasting freedom. Whether we loathe ourselves or love ourselves, self is still at the center. If we hope to find freedom from the tyranny of our own self-image, we must learn to view ourselves through a different lens.

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How a woman thinks about, views, and treats her body will either disempower her and hinder her growth in spiritual maturity, or it will free her from slavery to self and enable her to be a powerful and effective minister of Christ in all seasons and circumstances. Self-acceptance will never bring lasting freedom. Whether we loathe ourselves or love ourselves, self is still at the center. If we hope to find freedom from the tyranny of our own self-image, we must learn to view ourselves through a different lens.

The Body Managed


How a woman thinks about, views, and treats her body will either disempower her and hinder her growth in spiritual maturity, or it will free her from slavery to self and enable her to be a powerful and effective minister of Christ in all seasons and circumstances. Self-acceptance will never bring lasting freedom. Whether we loathe ourselves or love ourselves, self is still at the center. If we hope to find freedom from the tyranny of our own self-image, we must learn to view ourselves through a different lens.

The Body Redeemed


How a woman thinks about, views, and treats her body will either disempower her and hinder her growth in spiritual maturity, or it will free her from slavery to self and enable her to be a powerful and effective minister of Christ in all seasons and circumstances. Self-acceptance will never bring lasting freedom. Whether we loathe ourselves or love ourselves, self is still at the center. If we hope to find freedom from the tyranny of our own self-image, we must learn to view ourselves through a different lens.