

Teaching Not Available

June 18, 2016

Jairus’ story tells not only of faith that counteracts fear, but of a Savior, who commands it. When Jairus, a respected leader of the synagogue, falls at the Rabbi’s feet in a desperate plea to save his feverous daughter, Jesus turns to address another concern of a nameless woman in agony. Through the healing of this unclean, isolated, and untouched woman, we are introduced to a Jesus who is not constrained by time, status, position, condition, what we’ve done, or our level of need. When Jairus is told that his daughter is dead, Jesus uses the situation to grow Jairus in his faith. He tells him, “do not be afraid, have faith.” In bringing Jairus’ daughter back to life, we are reminded that He is also a Jesus who is not constrained by death; and, who sometimes uses His healing hands to orchestrate restoration in our circumstances and our faith.